Monday, April 22, 2013

The Job Hunt Continues

Last week, my wife sent me a discouraged email. She had gone in all guns blazing for an interview, done well, and then no one bothered to call her references. Gaston was stunned, too.

It's not an easy job market out there in the non-profit, conservation, and/or volunteer program market.

I told my wife not to give up, but not to forget how tough it can be. You never know when someone else we know will be in the same situation and Carrie will be able to say "I understand what you're going through."

Thankfully, the interviews picked up again! My wife even drove all the way down to Richmond today for one! She's got a few more still to come this week. We had to scramble for child-care for one interview tomorrow.

Time is ticking on Carrie's job. Her boss has pushed off retiring for a little longer. We suspect it's partly to make sure Carrie gets a job before he goes. Gaston is that kind of a boss (and that's another reason why we love him).

I threw my own resume back into the technology specialist hunt at a few schools. I realized too late that I didn't update one of my reference's phone numbers! No one has contacted me yet, so it's probably not going to matter. I'm not seeing the same number of openings to apply to as last year, but I plan to apply to anything in a reasonable driving distance. I'm in a better situation than Carrie, because I am fine with staying at my current school another year. There may be some drama around the corner, but in my seven years I've learned that schools breed drama.

Anyway, I'm praying that the right job finds my wife! They'll be lucky to have her.

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