Tuesday, April 16, 2013

They See Me Mowing...

Teacher workdays are almost like a holiday.

I wake up, and I do work.

I can do all of the annoying things that are part of teaching, but don't really effect teaching. I hung posters, did paperwork, and filed paperwork well past my heart's content.

I put it in a full day, but without kids staying after school for help I got to go home and mow! My how my priorities in life have changed.

Our yard is a bit of a mess right now.

The yard is approximately 1/4 grass, 1/4 random weeds (like dandelions), 1/4 purple dead nettle, and 1/4 mint.

The mint makes for an interesting aroma while mowing.

Carrie drove the truck home from her parents Sunday. The back was full of shrubs and other bits of flora Gardner Granny designated for our lawn. Carrie wants to dig out some of the raised beds and has lots of ideas from when we visited the garden 'farm.'

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