Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Victory Sushi!

Carrie accepted a job offer today! WOOOOOO!!!

She ordered her "Victory Sushi" on the ride home. We had discussed going out for a celebration date night, but she couldn't wait. She had to have her Asian Pear Rolls RIGHT AWAY!!

Carrie's new job is as a volunteer coordinator working with a non-profit. She will help recruit and train volunteers to work with inmates to help train and transition them out of the justice system.

I think this will be a great opportunity for my wife. It should be an eye-opener and it's a much shorter commute!

Carrie had a run-in before her interview that probably helped her to get her job. As my wife was filling out her pre-interview questionnaire, a man came into the office. He traded hellos with Carrie and they started a conversation.

The man said, "I'm having a great day!"

"Me too! What made your day great?" Carrie replied

"I got a job!"

The conversation continued and my wife asked the man what his job was. Some of the enthusiasm drained out of him. He looked less confident than before. The man told my wife that he was going to be working for the garbage company hanging off the back of a truck.

The man probably expected to hear something like "a job's or job" or some other general platitude. Not many people think of trash work as glamorous. What my wife did say is something like "I have a son who LOVES garbage trucks! He wakes up every trash day morning excited and craning to look out his window! Just remember when you're riding around on the back of your truck that there are a horde of young boys thrilled to see you!"

Carrie made the man's day. Her genuine response put some wind in the man's sails

The receptionist must have sent word behind the lobby door, because Carrie's ability to speak with people was mentioned in the interview! How's that for a win-win? Carrie got to be light for a moment to a man who probably needed a kind word, and it showed her future employers who she was! That could have totally been a God 'plant.' I'm certainly saying 'thank yous' in my prayers.

I love it when you can look back and see how pieces fall into place in ways you never imagined at the time. Carrie was devastated last week when she was turned down for one job a couple of weeks ago. That job is in the same building as the job she accepted today! She knew where everything was, where to park, how long it would take to get there, and all of the other inconsequentials that can add stress before an interview.

Not only that, but the devastating rejection was a good thing. Carrie was already feeling drained from multiple rejections and then she felt like she had found the job for her only to be rejected by it, too. Carrie is going to be able to empathize with her new clientele on a level she would not have before.

Did I mention the new job is a shorter commute? Shane will be thankful.

Speaking of Shane, we're going to have to get him into a day-care soon. Carrie starts her new job on May 13th. This new job is going to make for a lot of changes. Gaston was thankful! He's ready to retire now that Carrie's moved on, too.

TL;DR: Carrie got a job and we're thrilled! WOOOO!

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