Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Draft Revisited: Extra Income

I start posts, but that doesn't mean I finish them.

I started to look through drafts while thinking of what to write. This one was more or less finished:

"I picked up another side job on Saturday.

My school was short personnel for a full day of testing to get into a magnet school. Originally, I wasn't going to do it, but after I was off three days this week....well, I figured I could stand to get another day of work in.

Arrival time was 7:30 AM. There was signing in, room prep, and then ushering students in. The testing instructions weren't slated to begin until 8:30 AM.

Things went well until computer gremlins came out to play. "Technical Difficulties" could have been the slogan for the day.

Ironically, it made things more interesting for me if not the kids. Instead of staring at a bunch of students testing I was running back and forth scrambling! I like helping and having problems to solve when they're not my fault!

The afternoon session was cancelled. There's a chance the county will still pay for the whole day!"

Neither my wife or I picked lucrative fields to work in. Since she's switched fields and to part-time, I'm the main bread-winner. I pick up random opportunities here and there if the pay is decent and it fits the family schedule. We're fortunate that we watch our finances enough I'm not forced to do so, but I like trying new things. If the new thing is useful and pays, then that's nice, too!

The check from this gig paid for a date night out, babysitter and all. 

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