Thursday, March 6, 2014

Filling in the Blanks: The Raise

My raise finally came through.

The final credits weren't tallied and entered into the computer until early January. I filed all the paperwork and heard back at the end of the month: "Your raise has been approved and will be in your February paycheck."

February has come and gone. The raise was in there, but it's only effective for the latter half of the year.


I'm still glad I got it.

The budget talks in the county aren't sounding very pretty. Different schools are launching different protests. One school has all of the staff walking around in jeans and t-shirts, because they don't feel like they're being treated as "professionals," so why dress up like it? Another school wrote a long letter to the PTA about what they wouldn't do if the funding was cut.

I don't follow all of the hoopla. I'm also glad that my school isn't doing anything like that. I think it's unprofessional and unhelpful. It's a fart in a crowded room. You may feel better releasing some pressure, but everyone else deals with the stink. Nothing else really changes.

I'm not really a big fan of complaining in general. I don't think it's come a head yet, either. The county likes to advertise doom-and-gloom, so they can pass a gloom-only budget and say "Hooray! We prevented Doom!" Most of the cuts mentioned are more targeted towards support personnel, so it may be a good thing I never got that tech job. They're one of the slots forewarned of trimming.

If there's no step increase again this year, I'll look into other ways to keep advancing. I've already applied for a bunch of summer positions, and there are some part-time night positions in the county I'm interested in, too. I feel like I can do more and I do do more when I push myself a little.

I'm not looking to be a workaholic, but if I'm capable "to those much is given, much is expected." If I can be a better teacher and provide a little more for my family without sacrificing too much at home and at life in general, I'll give it a try.

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