Thursday, March 27, 2014

Eating Anamolies

I didn't know eating could be so difficult. The old adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" comes to mind.

Shane doesn't always like to swallow his food. Actually, I don't know if he doesn't like to or if there is some other reason. Whatever it is, it probably makes perfect sense to him. I'm left guessing. I took Shane up to bed tonight, and realized he still had some chicken he was jawing on. I spent the next fifteen minutes trying to coax, wait, threaten, and bribe, Shane into swallowing to no avail. Shane'd reply "Look! I'm swallowing!" and then chew loudly.

Shane won that round. I think I kept my frustration mostly hidden. I asked him to "spit" and he complied.

I don't think I'm ever going to find out why Shane likes to chew food for hours. It's better than when he tries to shove everything in his mouth at once and choke, though. When he's old enough to read, I'll give him a manual on "How to Eat."

For now, he's sleeping soundly. 

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