Sunday, March 30, 2014


Shane was wounded at Harris Teeter yesterday. 

No, it was not in the dairy section when he bumped into door and fell on his butt. That made him cry until he saw another little boy and promptly stopped.

Shane was hurt when he grabbed a moving cart wheel. The wheel pulled his hand forward and his skin pinched between the wheel and the surrounding metal (the caster?).

Friction burn. Shane didn't cry out or anything. I didn't realize he was hurt at first. I asked what happened and Shane told me that he hurt his hand. My brain didn't put two and two together at first. I asked "how?" Shane replied that he had grabbed the wheel.

Thank God, it was only a small ouch. It could have been worse. Kids are designed far sturdier than they appear! I hope Shane's learned his lesson. Don't shove your hand in moving wheels!

I'm glad that I stopped immediately when I felt the friction on the cart wheel. It wasn't a conscious decision. Shane likes to hang on and put a foot on the top of a wheel to apply the brakes on me. It drives me nuts. I'll stop the cart and stick him back in the seat if he does it more than once. I wasn't worried before, just annoyed. Now, I have a reason to be paranoid about it!

Anyway, we'll see if it scars. Chicks dig scars. Shane needs to collect at least a few of them to lead a full life and find a wife when he's older!

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