Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Old Drafts: Resurrected Post: Exploding Car Windows

And old draft of a resurrected post.

Go figure.

I can see three reasons why this wasn't posted:

1) I wrote in the present tense. I've learned a thing or two since when I care to edit.
2) I was worried it would embarrass Nana.
3) My tone was a more "sensationalized-sarcastic" than I like. I was trying too hard to sound exciting.

I'm still a little worried about #2, but the truth is: it's really hard to embarrass Nana. As Pop once said, "Your mother's tough. She'll say she's embarrassed, but has that ever stopped her?" 

I'll still drop this back to a draft if Nana requests it. It probably happened close to 12 years ago. 

And as for the driving critique, I still joke that part of my faith in God comes from Nana's driving! She could get distracted, but she's never caused an accident. It's clearly a case of a guardian angel.

"Isn't it funny how most people can crap out any sort of writing that is nonessential? Take this LJ post and compare it to my take home final that's due tomorrow. My bad! I can't complain about being bored, because everything becomes more fun when you're supposed to be working! I'm having a blast! 

Anyway, the real reason for this post is to relate a funny mom story. Monday, while I was at work, my mom called me. 

"Mike? My rear window exploded at a stop light. Can they do that?"

According to my mom, she was sitting at a red light, minding her own business, when the back window on the van decided to hop on the back seat and take a breather. There was no wreck. No warning. Just....*CRASH!!!!* I meant to take a picture of the broken window, but my dad is too quick acting. I think he was ecstatic over the idea of work to do. He knocked that puppy out and vacuumed it all up in two shakes of a dog's tail.  Mom does not want to drive her car for fear of police and being carjacked through the now vacant back window.

That's the setup.

Mom asks me if she can borrow my car to go to the library.   I'm ok with this.   Most people wouldn't be with my mom's record.  She has a tendency to hit parked cars and root around in her purse while turning.  I cough up the keys and go back to procrastinating writing my paper (I've had a week to get started...whoops!). 

About ten minutes later I'm farting around on the computer and I get a cellphone call.  This time it's Patrick.   Mom can't get my car started.  DID SHE BREAK IT ALREADY!?!?!?  I'm about to grab Matt's keys and go find her, but she's still in THE DRIVEWAY!  She never figured out how to start my car!  

She was using the wrong key! 

After a belly-aching laugh, I return to my previously scheduled procrastinating only to get ANOTHER surprise!   Five minutes later, Patrick comes downstairs and gives me my keys back.   

"Mom can't figure out how to put your car in reverse, so we're just going to take Matt's."

My mom is hilarious.  You wish you had a mom as cool as mine."

The last line is true. It sounds sarcastic there, but I still meant it in an out of the side of mouth young adult that doesn't want to be gushy or emotional way.

I'll say it now straight up: I love my mom. 

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