Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Old Draft: An Ode to Pop-Pop

Lots of Old Drafts tonight. I started to clean them out and this is what happened.

This draft was never finished. It's done it's purpose, though. It's another reminder of how blessed I've been to have the family I have. I'll have to update and finish this ode one day.

If I'm ever blessed with an overabundance of spare time I could do more odes.

(PS - If you're annoyed about the car post, Nana, then please note the link to the ode to you!)

"I've done an Ode to Nana, and Grandma, but they are not the only important people in Shane's life.

Today, I want to focus on my father: Pop-Pop.

When Shane wants to go outside at Nana's house, Pop-Pop is normally out there with him (especially now that it's gotten a little cold for Nana!).  My father retired in the summer, but "[he] doesn't work any less!" 

Whenever I pick up Shane, I normally find Pop-Pop working on some sort of project or out back with his grandson. The boys  like to walk through the woods with Indy. She constantly rushes up with a filthy-nasty tennis ball that Pop-Pop knocks around the yard to Shane's delight.; Pop-Pop pushes Shane in every swing available (and the boy likes to switch from swing to swing); Sometimes, I can look out the back window and I'll see them bouncing on the trampoline together.

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