Sunday, March 16, 2014

More Shane Sayings

"Silly, Daddy!"


After hopping into a shopping cart, "Let's roll, Daddy!"

After I laughed at the previous statement, Shane reiterated "Go Daddy, Go!"


Shane looked up at the international mart and asked "Are there animals in there?"

Carrie and I's eyes met.

I spoke first.

"I could tell him..."

"..NO." She finished.

Shane wasn't sure why we were laughing, but he was proud of being cute.


As Shane and I were on the road home from Subway, he dropped a new line on me.

"Daddy, I see a sign. It says go to the playground and have fun, Daddy!"

I didn't see the sign, but Shane got to visit the playground. I couldn't help but smile at his ingenuity. He's good at figuring out ways to get what he wants!


At the playground, I learned something. Temperature does not matter to Shane.

"I don't need gloves, Daddy! It's not cold!"

My hands were freezing. Shane threw a fit as I dragged him and his stone cold fingers back to the car.

Shane would play in the snow naked. Gladly.

Or at least he'd never admit that I was right if I suggested he came inside. He'd make sure he did it in his own time!


John came by to play a round of X-wing. His miniatures occupied our dining room table when Shane spotted them.

"Oh! Those are fragile!"

Yes, yes they are. The wonder in Shane's voice had us laughing. He put so much awe and sagacity in "fragile" that I can't help but wonder exactly what that word means to him.


Shane's picked up a new saying. I'm not sure where it came from.

"Are you kidding me?!?"

He even uses it appropriately. There's the right amount of incredulity and everything.

I don't say that, do I?


And there are so many more that I wish I remembered. Sometimes he catches me by surprise and the laughter bubbles up. It's a great feeling, but fleeting. I wish I could capture it more. It always feels the best when the stinker has me tired or frustrated and at the end of my rope. Then Shane drops a toddlerism that banishes it all for that moment.

I look forward to hearing more Shane-isms. I need those in my life.

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