Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Snow-struck again 2014

Another snow storm, another pair of days at home. I'll be going in a little late tomorrow, too; They've already announced a delayed opening.

It's a mixed blessing (mostly good!). I appreciate the time off with my family, but staying at home all day can feel like stasis and the county adds time to the end of the school year to prevent it from being all fun. We've already missed 10 days of school this year and had at least 5 delays by my count. I wonder if having 10% of the school year disrupted will equate to lower SOL scores and lower teacher evaluations.

The days off were perfect timing for my family, though. Carrie and Shane have both been under the weather since Saturday. I was able to be here to help. Shane's coughing over the intercom and Carrie's in a NyQuil induced slumber as I type.

Oh, and I'm extra appreciative of the HVAC system today. It was one degree Fahrenheit this morning. There was no hype about a polar vortex; I think the weather channel's ratings are already up with everyone checking up on the constant snow storms. When did they start naming these things anyway? Titan?

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