Friday, April 17, 2015

Lots of Interviews

I have had five interviews now.

The first two were in march. One was March 16th in Greene County. The other was March 24th over Skype for a high school.

This week I drove down twice for three interviews spread across two days: One Wednesday, two Friday. I was told I would hear back yea or nay Monday for one and by Friday for another. The Juvenile Detention Center said they would make their final decision the first week of May.

I am very interested to hear back from the Hospital Education Program. If they offer me a position early next week, I will take it. I thought the Juvenile Detention Center was also very interesting. It reminded me of my alternative school roots. If I was already secure and in the area I may have been in a weird spot wondering which to pick. I'm not, though. I thought my last interview with the high school did not go as well (and I wasn't as interested), but if I don't have any other offers...

If no one gets back to me, I'll apply some more. There was a crop of new positions that opened up this week. I felt like I did really well in my interviews, but you never know if you were a match until the call comes. I thought my first interview in March went well, but I never heard back one way or another from them. The second one told me it would "be a while," so that wasn't a surprise.

I have driven over 700 miles since last Sunday. I have applied for ten positions online and was offered interviews at four of them. It's been a busy week. Another school district from farther out called me for an interview, but I declined. It would be a minimum of a forty minute commute (and that's assuming I don't strictly follow the speed limit). I'm not that desperate (yet). At this point, I would rather sign up to be a substitute teacher than commute that far each day.

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