Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nerd Update: LOTR

What's nerdier? Writing a blog entry about playing a card game or recording your games and making a spreadsheet?

Now I've done both.

I've really enjoyed the LOTR card game so far. It scratches my itch for making me think and Tolkien without breaking my brain when I'm a little tired. The online community recommended recording games and that's like a blog-lite. Maybe it's the science and math teacher in me, but I love me some good data!

A record of the number of games played can help me justify my expenditures to Carrie, too.

Core box = $28
Games played with Core only: 30
Cost per game: $0.93

Hunt for Gollum Expansion = $10
Games played with new cards  = 6
Cost per game: $1.67

Total spent ($38) / Total Games (36) = $1.06 per game

Clearly, I have to play some more tonight. I need to get that cost per game down to below a $1. Woe is me.

The math, while fun, also helps me avoid a spendgasm. When I find something new, I am always tempted to jump straight into the deep end. I only allowed myself to research and the online blogs until a sale popped up online. Then, I didn't open the expansion until I hit 30 games with the base set and a month had passed!

My next step will be to show it to John. There aren't any models involved, so it may not stick. It would be a lot cheaper than his standard fare...

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