Friday, April 3, 2015

Next Steps

We moved out. The house was sold.

What next?

I am going to spend April and the first week of May with my parents. Shane will be with me. I have a ton of forms to fill out for him to start at a bilingual home daycare with his friend Bryce. It's cheaper than our last daycare, but not as cheap as Cville would be. 

The advantage up north is my family. Nana told me she and Pop would help with mornings and dropping Shane off. Carrie and I decided to take advantage of the support while we can. It's only available until the first full week of May. Matt and Renee will probably be moving out just as Nana and Pop are getting ready to move and close (which, of course, means that Shane and I would be getting ready to move out, as well!). 

Megan will be in a flux, as well, but I don't know her timetables. It's amazing how everything is happening all at once.

After everyone is uprooted, Shane will transition south to be with Carrie. I will try to find a couch to crash on either with Matt and Renee or Jama. I may even jump back and forth if my welcome wears thin. I'm not opposed to sleeping in car, either.  I doubt it will come to that, but I'd look at it as empathy building....I've taught kids in similar situations where it wasn't by choice. 

I have to last up north until Monday, June 22nd. If I can wrap up all my paperwork and finish strong, I'd love to use leave and play hooky. 

Throughout it all, I will continue to search for a job. I have a pair of interviews lined up in a couple of weeks. Both are uncommon opportunities that caught my eye. Both also want an in person interview. One managed to time it perfectly for a work day. The other did not. I am curious about both, so I plan on asking lots of questions once I'm done answering the ones I'm posed.

Our house search down south is entering it's final stages. Carrie started touring with an agent in March. She found a house, too. I agreed to proceed sight unseen (again, ha!). A set of circumstances kept it on the market for an extended length of time which gave Carrie's agent a lot of bargaining power. The seller's agent even cut his own commission to help make the sale happen. There's more of a story there, too. Carrie and I showed up for a home inspection and I liked what I saw and the price point we entered at. We will continue with negotiations and the tentative closing date is May 26th. That's probably smack dab in my SOL window, so I doubt I'll be at the closing. The mortgage could be low enough I could be a stay-at-home dad for a year if I don't find a job. Note: I still really want a job.

All of ours plans are far from set in stone at this point. There are lots of balls up in the air and things unknown at this time. We still believe that we were meant to move south, so we're moving forward!


  1. It's crazy how everyone is moving all at once! Except for me and Stu of course. :)

  2. It's crazy how everyone is moving all at once! Except for me and Stu of course. :)
