Tuesday, April 21, 2015

That's An Old Story

For some reason, Facebook threw up an old picture to the top of my news feed from 9 years ago.

That's from when the police accused and arrested someone staying with my family and raided our house at 5 AM. They confiscated all of the cameras and computers in the house. Kept them for three months, too.

Turned out the arrest was a big mistake. The circumstances were odd. They police assumed they'd find lots of evidence and instead they found nothing. Nana said that they rearranged texts from multiple sources in court to try and make it look like they had a case, tampered with evidence, and talked to each other outside of court under oath not to....it was a mess. They even lied on the warrant for the initial arrest, search and seizure.

The judge harangued them. He threw the case out before the defense had to utter a word.

I won't write about the case here, but there was something I wanted to mention.

A quick google search found articles about the arrest. The case was never substantiated, but the information is still up. Social media hid it somewhat. A name alone was not enough to find the article (at least in the first bunch of pages I clicked through). However, if I put in the name and "criminal" the third link on page one of Google grabbed it. I tried again with the name and the name of the county. Page one it appeared.

It's hard to get rid of anything in the digital age. It doesn't matter how true it is or isn't.

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