Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sick Pop

Pop has not been feeling well. He's had fever for over a couple of weeks. He won't complain in front of us, but he wears his coat in the house and takes spontaneous naps on the couch. That's clue enough. The main symptoms are the fever and fatigue. The doctor called it "a prolonged fever of unknown origin." His stomach also seems off. He burps a lot and isn't very hungry.

This happened once before about four years ago. Pop said it lasted for about a week then. It may be kidney related. Pop's kidneys have been trouble since he was a teenager. Nana says he's stubborn and refuses to go see a doctor again.

We're all hoping and praying he feels better soon. Moving is tough enough without being sick the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. I called Dad's cousin, Ann Rule, who has her doctorate in pharmacy tonight and talked to her and her husband, Jack, who is a medical doctor. I told them about how Tim has been feeling and they agree with me that he needs to see the doctor again. So I told Tim that I was making a doctor's appointment for him tomorrow. He's not fighting me on this now that Ann and Jack are backing me up. Thanking God for smart relatives in the medical field! And praying we get some answers tomorrow. Hopefully it's just something easily fixed with medicine.
