Saturday, April 23, 2016

Seize the Day

Here's a scene from today's game.

Shane did get his head in the game off and on after I started to coach him. He even scored an honest goal on a breakaway (the conditions were near perfect). I did let him wander around with his shirt over his head the first several minutes. 

I don't want to be "that guy." The one who yells the whole game and always tells his kid what to do. I try to let Shane muck around and figure some stuff on his own......but there's only so much of shirt-over-head boy I could take! It turned out fine as it always does.

It was amazing how much energy the team suddenly showed when the snacks came out. 

Shane invited himself on to a blanket and offered to help a random girl draw, too.

...and yet, he still acts shy sometimes (emphasis on "acts").

We did find an unpleasant surprise on Shane when we got home.

It had already bit. I removed it, took a picture, and killed it. The internet enabled me to kill the next half hour researching ticks (it's a blessing and a curse).

I cooked taquitos for lunch and stuffed Shane silly to try and help him nap.

Carrie napped instead.

At least until Shane got into the car.

We met up with Grandma in Grandpa at a restaurant in Oilville. They wanted to get together before they went on their next trip.

It was bed time when we got home. Shane's tucked in and Carrie's back asleep on the couch. I'll sneak upstairs myself in a moment.

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