Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Calm Before the Return to Crazy- Spring Break Day 7 (Epilogue)

Often, I imagine I write a well-thought out and worded narrative. In reality, I snap quick pictures, upload some, and throw in some witty remarks. It works.

Today's the day to return to normal and write said witty remarks. 

And taxes. Definitely, taxes. Those are due on the 18th.

Carrie's out schooling with Jenny. Jenny wants to jump Pix. Carrie's going to hilltop with Mira. I half expect to hear she's been out jumping when she gets back, though.

Shane and I hung around the house. I RSVP'd for a birthday party for him next week.

I'm looking forward to a quiet day before going back to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get a refund on your taxes!
    We enjoyed talking with you and Shane earlier this evening.
    Love you tons!
