Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sick Days

Bad news: Shane had a fever Thursday night, so we kept him home Friday.

Good news: Carrie cooked bacon.

Also good news: Carrie and Shane made popsicles.

Even better news: Shane wanted to play with the vacuum cleaner.

For a sick child with a high fever, Shane didn't seem too affected. Meds knocked his fever way down and he went out on errands with me.

The real times he seemed sick were nap and bed time. He's snotty throughout the day (and how), but when he lays down the cough gets him. It made sleep hard to come by.

Saturday, Carrie went to work. Shane and I played around the house.

We were supposed to meet Samuel for a play-date after soccer practice. We built cubes out of dice and knocked them over instead.

I, also, started Shane on some different types of video games. He wasn't too interested in the flying ones.

He did play Bastion some. Up until this point, he's mainly watched me.

I prefer to drop video games in front of Shane than TV shows, because they require interaction. I like things that make Shane/people/me think in a new way.

We played with the rhyming cards from his kindergarten kit later. In case you were worried there wasn't any "old school" learning going on. We practiced with scissors to cut out an R2D2 John sent us.

I'm not looking to create a super genius. I just think life is boring if you don't learn or do something every day. There's only so many kid shows I can take. 

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