Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Sub Tale

My sub from yesterday, Stan, was the sub for one of my co-teachers today. His wife works at my school, and he's one of the high quality subs who will do special ed. Before school started, he walked up to me to say, "Hi."

"Hey, Mike! It's a funny story how I got to sub for you yesterday. Have you heard?"

I had not.

Apparently, another teacher in the building had contacted him to sub for her.

She never put it in the computer system.

Stan showed up, and the front office gave him the "Why are you here?" look. Another sub had already shown up for the job Stan had been contacted about.  Oops.

Thankfully, there was the opening for yours truly! The front office ladies signed him up for the job, and I had coverage I could trust not to cause a catastrophe.

Then, Stan said something along the lines of "I was a little worried when they said it was for you. You've had some tough kids in the past, but these guys were great!"

I had to grin. I always like the kids I work with, but Stan's right: they're normally a handful. The crop of kids this year are really nice. They have trouble with the material, but I vastly prefer to be an encourager/helper than a knuckle-cracking drill sergeant. The admin is cracking down and putting test scores under the microscope, but that's not something a sub would experience. I bet I can get Stan to sub again this year now that's he's met the kids. Maybe I'll take a personal day in March or April.

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