Sunday, January 13, 2013

No PreSchool Fools

Last night, I hauled the printer downstairs and Carrie went to work. She installed the sucker, printed up a bunch of forms, and then filled them out.

Shane's going to pre-school next year.

I can hardly believe it.

No, it's not that I can hardly believe Shane's going to preschool (or that it's affordable). I can't believe that we signed up for a September preschool in January. Shane's first day is over nine months away.

I have to give credit where it is due: Carrie really led the push on this. Preschool was sort of on my radar, but aside from looking up several places and saying "Geez, this is expensive!" I hadn't given it too much thought. My wife is the researcher in the family. I'm just glad to know that it worked out, and Shane is signed up.

We're shooting for a two/three-year old combo class. Our logic is: Shane's big, and he seems pretty bright (to his biased parents). The older kids would be closer to his size and more advanced for him to emulate.

Our challenge will be potty training. The combo class requires it.

Guess what we're going to be working on this summer?

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