Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's the Things You Don't Teach Them..

It's the things you don't teach your kids that amaze.

Every parent tries to teach their kid how to say "Mama," and "Dada," and how to do different things, but whenever your child does the unexpected it strikes home how far they've come (and that they're really becoming their own little person).

The first times I remember Shane shocking me were with his alphabet and counting. Carrie got a huge surprise when Shane scaled a counter and gave himself an impromptu bath in a sink.

Yesterday, Carrie held Min so that Shane could rub his face all over her (as he likes to do). Min was a good sport, but when she finally slipped away Shane ran in pursuit. "WAIT, MIN! WAIT, MIN!"

Carrie and I laughed. Shane knew what 'wait' meant and he used it! We were surprised, but it made sense. We both tell Shane to wait all the time (and he's not very good at it!).

Today, Shane upped the ante.

Shane and I were laying on Carrie and I's bed after we woke up Mommy. The bedroom door wasn't shut all the way, and Min pushed her way through. Min's 'my cat,' so I called out and she bounced over and vaulted up next to me.

Shane was delighted. He scrambled off Carrie. Min saw trouble coming and exited as quick as she'd come.

Shane called out. "Min! *smck!* *smck!*" He was mimicking me! He couldn't do my Min-call, so he was making some sort of kissing/air-sucking noise instead!

Carrie and I bust out laughing. Shane clamored off the bed and ran after the cat. "MIN! *Smck!* *Smck!*"

I need to get a video of Shane doing his Min-call so I can post it. He did it for Nana on the phone, so he's fully learned it. No coaching was necessary.

It was a cute moment. I'm not sure I'll ever find the proper onomatopoeia to textualize Shane's sound, but I wanted to etch it down. It was a nice way to start the morning.

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