Monday, January 7, 2013

Muay Thai 8 - Oof

I got to go to class today after all. Shane crawled on the couch next to Carrie and she handed over the pickle. It was the first time he got his mitts on it today, so he was stoked.

He probably never realized I was gone. It was that easy to slip out.

Class was another matter. I nearly hurled my cookies at the end. I had to crouch and work at slowing my pulse while Coach was giving the wrap-up talk. That's how you know I was honest on the drills.

Being 30 doesn't mean you can't be in shape. It does mean that you fall off the bandwagon quicker than you used to and it hurts more to hop back on. A month of no cardio got to me.

Class is only an hour on Mondays. That's not much time for an endurance sport. You can warm-up, stretch to prevent injury, and then you can either have instruction time with minimal drill or you can condition.

Today, we conditioned.

Not fun, but necessary.

I'm proud to report I kept the contents of my stomach contained. I'll probably need to do some exercise in the week to help my body realize this wasn't a one time punishment.

There wasn't any one exercise that really got me. There were four newbies that coach was with most of the time. He had the more 'experienced' people doing drills and assignments. I knew the other two 'vets,' but there was a new guy that looked like a NFL linebacker and moved like he was remembering lots of training. It's nice that I know some names now.

If I ever start going to class regularly I'll probably have to stop doing a post after each. Until next time.

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