Friday, January 4, 2013

Goals for 2013

Last year's goals were to:
1. Update my blog more - ACCOMPLISHED!
2. Figure out my next career step - SORTA ACCOMPLISHED (still applying, but happy where I am)
3. Invest - ACCOMPLISHED! (I bought a house)
4. Practice my Spanish - NEGATIVE!

With that in mind, I've come up with some new goals for 2013.

1. Get a Raise

I can earn a raise by taking academy courses through the county. They're free except for all of the time and effort involved. I need 30 credits. I started with 2 then I took 8 credits over the summer and 6 through the fall. That puts me at 16. The goal is to take a chunk in the spring, and then finish over the summer. I'm planning on signing up for at least one course on Spanish for educators to take another stab at being proficient in more than one language.

Of course, if I ever do get a tech job the credits don't apply for it. There were four more openings in December and I applied to the only one within a reasonable driving distance. I haven't heard back, so it's not likely I'll get an interview.

2. Try to Find More Joy in My Duties

I like to think I'm extremely reliable. I do my best to provide for my family, take care of chores, and be present for Shane and my wife. Many days I'm running on close to empty, though. It takes a lot of energy to try and be a good parent, husband, and teacher! When you're tired, it can be hard to stop and enjoy the simple things like a Shane giggle. I'm not foolish enough to think I can be perfect and do everything (my ADHD does a great job  of reminding me that I make some pretty funny/simple mistakes from time to time). You can't earn your way in to heaven with hard work. You can earn your way into a early grave or a miserable corner if you don't look for joy in things.

I'm not anywhere near a grave or a corner, but I have been trying to make sure I look for joy in things for a while. Often times, I find myself doing something because "it must be done!" or I try to do four things at once I don't feel like I have the energy level to play with Shane my boy deserves.

3. Be More Active

But wait! Didn't you just say you're often running on 'empty?' This seems to contradict your previous goal!

Well, I want to find more time for things like Muay Thai and some sort of volunteer activity through my church. Getting married, moving, owning a house, working full time, and raising Shane have all cut into the time I used to 'do stuff.' I do get out for Muay Thai every now and then, but I've gone 8 times since August. That's good exercise, but I used to keep up relations with friends, deliver food to the homeless, and do activities that I feel are meaningful and important to living a full Christian life.

I also want to take Shane to do more activities. I'd love to take him to the rec center around the corner, parks, and do things with him to enrich his life and (honestly) make toddler care more exciting for me as well.

No, I don't know how I'm going to do this year.

4. Finish Reading My Bible

I've claimed to be a Christian for three decades and I've never read the whole Bible? Come on now!  I actually read through the Law, the Minor Prophets, The New Testament, and many other parts multiple times, but I've never finished the whole Bible. I've always been hodgepodge in reading Psalms and I've started and stopped the Samuels and Isaiah several times. I don't know why. I've managed to read Judges and Job, so why not those? It's something to work on.

I'd like to work on memorizing more verses, as well.

Predictions for the New Year

1. My parents will get their house ready to move, but won't yet. - Now that Dad is retired, I know that my parents will be moving. It's only a matter of time. What no one knows, is when. It depends on so many things. I could easily be wrong on them not moving this year, but my gut says "not yet." When they do move, Carrie and I will need to think about if we should at some point. It's certainly something we've talked about before.

Also - I just found out there is a chance Matt and Renee could be assigned to GMU. If they are, I severely doubt my parents would move this year. My brother and his wife would probably live with them while saving up some cash (which is what I did the first two years I had a full time's the only way to afford a house in this over-priced area).

2. Shane will still need speech therapy - Shane's vocabulary has exploded! He's counting and reciting his alphabet! I'm a very proud father, but I can't help but notice he can't pronounce many sounds. Nana had speech trouble; I had speech trouble; I bet Shane's going to continue to need professional support until he's a little older. Thankfully, he's got that support lined up already.

3. Carrie will need a new job - Carrie's boss is set to retire soon. When he does, Carrie's position is going to go with him. That said, I think she'll land on her feet. Her boss is retired military with connections and he thinks the world of the work my wife does. I wouldn't mind if she decided to stay at home (it would almost be necessary if my parents do move), but I bet she can find something else.

4. Cole and Shane will spend more time together - This isn't a prediction so much as a "I need to make this happen." Family is important and Shane won't learn that unless I show him. Shane's getting to the age where he's going to start learning about sharing, too.

5. Carrie and I will find a local family and a friend for Shane - Also a "I need to make this happen." It would be nice to find a playgroup or something where Shane can socialize and Carrie and I can socialize. Nana was always good about this when I was a kid.

6. I'll see more of my old friends and maybe even my new ones - Two weddings are already planned! I'll get to see people then.

7. Megan and Billy will like India - My sister was always an adventurer. I bet she'll love being in a new country with her husband. It's just my gut feeling.

Last year I made a bunch of predictions about the world and US as a whole. This year, I've been much more focused on my family. I guess that shows you where I feel my focus needs to be!

Happy New Year to one and all!

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