Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Friends In the Know

As usual, my wife is the model of efficiency when she wants something done.

I'd been at work for less than half an hour when Carrie emailed me that she'd scheduled three estimates for the air conditioner and called a few door people, as well.

The first estimate (and the estimate of the estimator) was in my mailbox by 11.

Go, wifey!

The condenser on our A/C unit is frozen in the "always on" position. The heat pump is continuously running on 'emergency heat' and the whole system (including our water tank) is almost of legal drinking age. We knew we had a dinosaur on our hands from the home inspection, but I still thought it might last a couple of years (or until a good tax credit).

That's not the case, so we're going to have to move on this soon. The high today was in the 20's and I don't want another $300+ electric bill.

Thankfully, this is the "off season" for air conditioner repair. Companies are more interested in keeping their crews employed than gouging top dollars. The bids were pricey, but lower than I was expecting.

During the second bid, Dan came home.

It was hilarious.

Dan came in and listened in as the estimator gave Carrie a run-down of the situation.

That is, a grease-covered, work-uniform-clad Dan parked his company van with "Mechanical Contracting" emblazoned on the side came in and made the estimator sense competition. Carrie said he kept glancing Dan's way, and his estimate came in almost a grand and a half lower than the first!

Carrie was ready to pull the trigger on something tonight with a warranty, but I'm still looking at the bottom line. Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of warranties. I feel their nice to have, but that they rarely pay out if you pay extra in. I'd rather just gamble and go without.

Dan's going to check in with a work-friend who does installs on the side tomorrow. There's no warranty, but if the bottom line is way lower than the other guys I'm sold. The only problem could be availability. The company quotes could have people on site with all the equipment ASAP, while hiring through Dan would take time to procure the replacements and schedule a day off from their work to do our job on the side. If the weather was milder, I'd have no problem waiting. That cold front setting record lows in ND and MN has made it's way here, though.

Once I get the facts, I'll make my decision tomorrow.

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