Monday, January 7, 2013

Without a (Child) Care

Shane frequently asks, "Go see Indy, Pop-Pop, Nana, Jama?"  It's quite a mouthful for him, and the enunciation isn't perfect, but you know exactly what's he's asking.

"Sorry. Indy, Pop-Pop, Nana and Jama are on vacation."

So begins the longest month for child care. The usual crew (listed above) are in Beaumont. Last week, Genevieve watched Shane so Carrie could work on Wednesday. This week, my amazing, generous, kind, awesome, sister, Kathleen, has volunteered to drive down with her baby and watch Shane on Wednesday. 

That will cover two weeks! Carrie's parents said they would come up one day and I have some teacher workdays coming up, too. 

It just goes to show that the most useful thing for any family with kids is reliable childcare. 

Which also explains why it's so expensive around here. All the childcare places know how badly they're needed! Carrie and I are so thankful we have family in the area (and ones close enough who don't mind travel).  It's a real blessing.

Shane loves them all, too. 

In addition, to wanting to see the four musketeers, Shane saw a picture of Grandpa on the iPad. "Where Grandpa go? See Grandpa?" 

As I said, we've been blessed with good help.

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