Sunday, April 30, 2017

Family in the House!

We cleaned.

They came!

And then even more came!

Nana, Pop, Jama, Patrick, and Shelby all visited for lunch. We ordered Chinese since Jama can't sweet and sour chicken from her dinner hall.

Pop brought Patrick's old Game Boy and Pokemon Yellow for when Shane learns how to read.

Shane taught Nana how to play the card game instead!

It's been a while since we'd seen everyone together. It was loud and exciting for me.

And for Jama! Either that or she ate too much. She took a nap after lunch!

Carrie napped some, as well. She dropped in midway and then retreated from the noise before coming back down at the end.

Patrick gave Shane a small, porcelain bank he painted as a young teenager. Then, Shane panhandled (He made out like a bandit, too).

Shane did NOT want everyone to leave. He clung to Pop's foot.

He might have cried when they drove off, but Henry was out and the hose was on.

Tay dropped by from up the hill when she heard the fun.

Carrie was worn out from cleaning and company, but she came out with us when we went out a second time. Guess who was out again?

Raheem came tearing around the corner on his bike not long after.

I'm extra tired from no electronics all weekend long. It's a lot of work keeping him busy without making a reward out of it. Shane has a sub on Monday. I hope he can snap the orange streak for the better soon! 

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