Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Break Day 2: Return of the Trailer

Sunday morning breakfast before the trailer exchange. No shoes, no breakfast, Carrie!

I kept Shane busy while Carrie did a final clean out.

We explored.

Shane bonded with Bob, the parakeet.

Around 10 AM, our counterparts arrived.

Carrie and Shelly bonded online. They really enjoyed the chance to meet each other in person.

Why swap? 

Shelly needed a smaller trailer for her barn, because, as a business in PA, she needed a CDL to drive a larger rig. She didn't have a CDL. Also, she's a little bit older than Carrie and wanted to downsize for ease of maintenance.

Carrie wanted more room for baby to travel with Mira. 

With a swap, no money is exchanged, needs are met, and taxes are hopefully lower (since there wasn't a sale price to tax).

Once everyone on both sides checked everything out, we played musical trucks.

Shelly's husband, I. ForgotHisName, was instrumental in the process.

He did 99% of all the work!

That's partly because I was on distraction detail.

The socialization and exchange took almost two hours.

No six year old I know can chat that long without getting into some sort of trouble!

The kid stole my hoody.

Then he became a monster that tried to swallow my hand.

My hoody may be a little stretched out now.

I climbed a tree to get away.

Side note: I thought it was amusing how ForgotHisName kept telling me technical details on the truck and different maintenance items to tend to. That's all going to be Carrie. Welding, electronics, you name it.

We had to rush to check out after the swap. We forgot a thing or two, but didn't lose any family members (Winning!).

Shane traveled well!

We drove well past our planned gas stop to let him sleep. Trailers make gas station selection much more selective.

Later on, we stopped at a Wendy's in Buckingham County for a fast food treat.

Here's my first epic shot from Charlotte County.

Carrie released Shane to run around, because I was too busy taking pictures.

Sonya was doing the same. We arrived while she was doing a photo shoot (She's a professional).

The family visiting had an awesome dog. Mira didn't mind the company.

Which was great, because Shane and Carrie wanted to say hello.

Carrie's hello lasted longer.

Shane's attention wavered, as always.

I got some good pictures!

Charlotte County is too rural for me, but this is probably what Carrie's slice of heaven looks like.

Anything is fun for a while, though. Shane and I tracked down all the barn cats.

He pet them all.

And checked out the bunnies.

Then there was the monarch butterfly.

He asked Sonya about the pigs, but they relocated (Good memory, kid).

Sonya decided to have a mini-Shane photo shoot after her customers left.

He hammed it up!

Attention? Yes, please!

Then things progressed.

Sonya let him take pictures!

Shane's sense of humor may be inherited.

I only ruined a few photos before I stepped out. Carrie looked gorgeous!

We parked the trailer around front. It will act as Carrie's home away from home when the foal arrives. She plans on spending the night.

Shane and I will visit, but not stay.

He had a grand time playing outside. 

He made friends with a mare by collecting grass to feed her.

Carrie stopped one last time to say goodbye to Mira as we pulled away.

To satisfy my wanderlust and make a joke for Genevieve, we stopped by Farmville on the way home. We grabbed dinner and shakes at the Cook Out.

9 PM we pulled into our driveway. Long day, long drive, mission accomplished.

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