Monday, April 10, 2017

Whoa Busy

School started again Monday. It hit home for me yesterday after church. I thought there was going to be a teacher workday for some reason, but I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Unfortunately, I scheduled Shane's orthodontic consult for 8:30 AM weeks ago when I thought there was no school.

Carrie was going to help, but then she woke me up at 2 AM to tell me she was sick (it's a good thing she didn't drive down to visit Mira!).

I didn't want to reschedule, so I texted my boss. She let me skip the morning planning, so I could take Shane to the appointment.

It was a nice place.

They even had some game consoles. Shane played Streets of Rage.

He had a blast while I tried not to sweat out "How long's this going to take?"

Random: There was a toy called the Perplexus. I want one now. Coolest handheld maze ever.

We arrived early at 8:15 AM to fill out forms. They took us to the back around 8:40ish. Shane was asked to smile for some photographs.

Then he laid down and got to hold mouth guards for some up close and personal teeth pictures.

He did great.

He likes having his picture taken.

The orthodontist had all of the pictures up on a screen when we went back to talk to her.

And she could doodle on the screen with her tablet. Shane and I were both into it!

Bottom line: Shane may have some crowding later. Come back in six months or if there are any shark teeth on the top. The tongue tends to push teeth into position on the bottom if there's a gap, so she wasn't worried about the two extractions we had.

We left a little after 9:00 AM. Shane made it to his school, and I made it to mine. I don't know if the kids even noticed I missed a part of breakfast.

It was a long day. Every teacher, student, and parent in the city probably felt the same way. The break was over and it was time to settle back in.

After work, I ended up here.

The elementary school blew me off, so I've been focused on the high school off season. I love the sport and love the kids. It keeps me busy.

Shane was outside when I picked him up from school at 5:25 PM. He looked like he had fun. I think it hit 80 F today.

6:30 PM it was tee-ball practice again. There were a lot more kids. I don't mean to keep ending up coaching, but it keeps happening. I guess I should get used to it. God wired me the way He wanted to.

I wore shorts. Coach Josh made a crack about it would have been an expensive season for me if I went through a pair of pants each practice. I replied, "So what you're telling me is: No pants."

If I hadn't been surrounded by 4-6 year olds the conservation could have degenerated quickly (I like these guys). Our team name is the Dick's Sporting Goods Team. How's that for a mascot?

Shane had another drama moment when a little girl half his size bumped him and he laid in the grass for five minutes distraught. It was probably a long day for him. He got hit by a ball that bounced out of his glove later and bawled hysterically. I took his glove for him to rest and gave it to a kid who didn't have one and that calmed him down (Go figure).

Overall, he did well. It was a long day for everyone.

We tried to simulate a tee-ball game with kids hitting and then running the bases. We have one more practice Thursday before our first game on Saturday. It's going to be pandemonium.

Hopefully in a fun way! Shane played some video games when we got home before bed. Carrie slept most of the day, but she had to drive down to Mira after all. The vet recommended some medicine she had to buy. That will be a post for when the foal arrives.

Tuesday should slow down some. It'll pick back up again Wednesday and Thursday, but I like to be somewhat busy. I'm glad they won't all be packed like this Monday was.

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