Friday, April 28, 2017

Favorite TV Shows Per House

Carrie and I typically have a series or show we watch together at night to unwind. I thought it'd be fun to pick out my favorites. It's funny how each of my favorites has become inseparable from our home at the time (it's the memories of time spent together more than the show itself).

Without further ado....

My first apartment in Herndon - Definitely Ranma 1/2. I had a ton of anime and I thought it would appeal to Carrie's sense of humor....if the boob jokes didn't get me in trouble first.

My parents' basement - Star Trek the Next Generation. Carrie's a huge trekkie and it was the first major series we watched as a married couple while we waited for the contract on our townhouse.

Our townhouse in Centreville - Stargate SG-1. "You are not the only one to suffer discomfort, O'Neil" Teal'c. We had to wait for the Netflix DVDs to be delivered each time. It was 10 seasons worth of shared time!  HONORABLE MENTION: Star Trek DS-9 (my favorite Star Trek!)
CARRIE'S HONORABLE MENTION: Avatar the Last Airbender. She watched almost the whole series while I was shoveling snow during the Snowpacolypse (Amazing series that starts off looking like "just" a kid's show, btw).

Our house in Chantilly - TOUGH CALL. We actually went through multiple series that were incredibly memorable. I'll go with Dr. Who (The 9th and 10th Doctors respectively). I remember a great date night where Carrie made sukiyaki and David Tenant had to rescue people trapped in a hospital transported to the moon). HONORABLE MENTIONS: Sword Art Online (Best anime I've seen in recent years, but hindered in that Carrie crushed it in a couple of days) and Star Trek Voyager (Very slow to start, but got a lot better once the Borg came into play).

Our rented duplex - Sword Art Online Season 2 or Daredevil. We didn't spend THAT much time there together. SAO 2 was the only series we finished together that I recall (Otherwise I might have said Daredevil since that kicked off all the Netflix comic book heroes). We also watched some Fairy Tale.

Our house - MASH. Hands down. Great series. I liked it much better after the initial party seasons ended and Hunnicutt and Potter came into the picture.

Currently, we're on comic book overload. DC, Marvel, Oh my! There's too much out there now in my opinion. Carrie's enjoyed Once, but I never got into it (though I've seen episodes in the background from each season due to Carrie's binge habits and because she's seen it more than once).

Cable Television Notes - I do have very fond memories of watching the Winter Olympics with Carrie in Centreville and then again in Chantilly. We learned the rules for curling. Food Network Star was also a fun show that I used to talk about with Mom-mom. 

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