Friday, April 7, 2017

Spring Break Day 7: Farewell to the Job That Was and Hello, Megan!

Carrie left early to turn in her laptop and keys and hopefully avoid her belligerent boss. He usually never showed up to work before 10 AM. 

In the past, anyone who left Carrie's company amicably had access to their email to wrap up any personal business. Carrie has done her best to do everything amicably. She gave three weeks notice and talked to one of her friends on management prior. 

Monday, Carrie's direct boss had her cut off. Carrie thought it was a timing issue. She had notified management that she was going to do some work even though it was a vacation week (Carrie's a bit of a perfectionist and won't do a job unless she can do it well). She tried to log in and her password was rejected. Carrie called in and John reset her password with an "Oops. I thought you were done." She sent a few emails and CC'd her boss (on all of them per his orders). 

However, the email lockout was not an accident. Carrie's direct boss drove over to 'corporate' and had her locked out again. Then he was upset at John for crossing/slighting him. 

Carrie spent the rest of the week stressed and upset. She thought she was doing everything as professionally as possible, and then she felt as if her manager was trying to turn it around and fire her the last week she was supposed to work.

Thankfully, Carrie had covered all of her bases and had notified other people on management that she planned to help out this week. She's done a lot for the business over the years and it did not go unnoticed. Friday, Carrie got to speak with the other managers and they thanked her for her time with the company. She said it was stressful, but cathartic.

And so ends this chapter on her resume.  

Shane and I stayed home for all of this. That shouldn't be a surprise.

What may be a surprise was Megan and B visited! 

And boy, were they excited to see each other. I felt bad for Nova.

After the initial amazeburst of jubilation, the boys settled in to play.

Shane got Megan to read some Captain Underpants to him while B perused his room.

Maleficent attacked soon after.

Megan brought a game that I really want to see Nana play (Pie Face). We didn't get to play, but Megan, if you read this and play it with Nana, I want a video.

Shane showed Monopoly Jr to Megan while B partied with his toys.

She had the usual reaction. Megan's really good about faking the excitement whenever he looked.

Carrie came home around that time. She was exhausted enough to say no to the donuts and bagels Megan brought from Wegmans (Thanks, the way).

Shane attached to Megan like glue, but B played independent for a good long while. When he delved into the trains, that caught Carrie's eye.

For lunch, we turned on the TV and gave the boys chicken nuggets. B watched one episode and moved on. Shane was so tuned in he never noticed.

B got to go on with a little extra swag. It's a family tradition to try and pass off toys and whatever you can to the next kid. B accidentally left some of his toys behind this time (Rats).

I tried to arrange for a quiet day for Carrie after Megan and B headed further southward.

Some things never change.

It's incredibly difficult to have any sort of quiet day with Shane. Energy leaks from his pores if he sits still too long. The options are: A) Electronic placation or B) do something.

I was tired myself, but I kicked Shane out of the house to play catch. He fought it kicking and screaming until he got out the door. Then it was the best idea ever, Daddy!

We didn't have a real baseball, so we used a bouncy ball. It ended up in multiple bushes in multiple yards.

Catch: The Treasure Hunt.

Shane had fun and we got some of the stink out.

Carrie mostly got her quiet night. She put on Cool Runnings and made challah. I ate half the loaf (fresh carbs are my dietary Achilles heel).

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