Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Starting 4th Quarter Strong!

Shane had a purple day for behavior! He was blue Monday and stepped it up.

"This should be rewarded," I said. "Where do you want to get dinner?"

Christian's pizza!

Shane picked cheese. I grabbed a second slice in case he was ravenous. I grabbed a black bean sauce with avocados, tomatoes, and feta myself (a nod to Carrie who was out of town - If people keep buying it they'll keep making her favorite!).

We went by the library for books and to validate parking. Wonders continued to emerge. Shane sat and read through several Mo Willems books while I browsed the kids book area!

He read quietly to himself, so that he could hear the words and I listened in. He likes to act things out.

Have I mentioned I love libraries?

I started to text back and forth with John McG about book ideas and recommendations. Shane started to flip through a Captain Underpants book I dropped on the table and I kept browsing. When he's a little older I'll feel safe wandering over to the adult books for myself.

Shane's starting to experience more of the joy of reading. I try to ask little questions here and there rather than sit him down and quiz him. A moment is all a lesson requires. (Example: The other day Shane wanted to know what the quest of the day was on Hearthstone. "Read it." "I can't!" "Have you tried?")

I let Shane play on the computer while I checked out. Everything was conveniently placed (almost as if the librarians planned the layout intentionally).

The hardest part was carrying twenty books of various sizes back to the parking garage while Shane lagged behind and tried to examine the sidewalk and stick his head in random bushes.

Was a fun end to the day.

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