Thursday, April 6, 2017

Spring Break Day 6: Was it Really That Busy?

It poured the whole way home. It must have poured across all of Virginia, because John told me that several libraries up north had to shelter in place and Megan got stuck behind four fallen trees on four separate occasions! There were tornado reports in the southeast. We got some hail, but it sounds like we missed the worst of it.

We were happy to be home. Shane wanted to play Monopoly Jr.

I'm happy to report all of our animals survived our unexpected, extra night away. Max and Bucket were all over Carrie.

The chickens were all accounted for, too. At first, I could only count four chicks and thought the other two may have been in the bin.

Then I looked up. Mystery solved.

Shane positively radiated energy. He bounced all over, shook his head, and made silly noises simultaneously, "Bluh bah bluh blah bloo pffffttt!"

"You have too much energy. We're going on a walk."

Shane protested, but didn't have a choice.

Blue skies stretched for miles. The storm dragged in a chill air.

Random: Shane dropped and laid down to try and lure a buzzard closer. He probably wanted to hit it with his new stick.

We ate lunch after our walk and rested until it was time for swimming.

Shane was the only one who showed up!

And he did fantastic. He actually swam for at least a couple of breaths and way farther than I've ever seen. His teacher, Jill, was excited with his progress. She's done a great job with him.

Shane didn't want to get out of the pool after practice, but acquiesced when he heard we were meting up with Dylan. He would have gotten ready sooner, too, if we hadn't stumbled upon a powerful relic.

We meet again, Mirror.

You may think you're tough, but I'm not afraid.

The depth of your gaze cannot stop my Tae-Kwan-DO!


Mirrors continue to be a snare Shane's attention. A large one on the front porch would probably prevent him from ever wandering out of eye shot.

We met up with Carrie and Dylan and Eli's.

They boys were happy to see each other. Dylan played DJ.

Carrie was eager to check in with John. Tomorrow was her last scheduled day to turn in her laptop and keys at Savvy and she was not looking forward to it. She was worried that she might have dragged him into the drama on accident when she asked him to play tech support on Monday.

PS - John's holding the phone Eli asked him to fix in the picture.

Krista cooked dinner for everyone. She almost got in a great picture until Dylan photobombed. I'm sorry, Krista, but the picture went from great to epic!

Dylan put on Home Alone 2 after dinner. Shane hasn't seen the first one, but the whole point of the movie is to watch two idiots get injured by a kid repeatedly. John kept a running count on how many times they should have died.

The boys had a small spat just as we were about to leave. Shane, exuberant and on a complete energy high, sprinted at Dylan to give him a "charge high five!" to say goodbye. Shane timed it badly and managed to knock Dylan over just as Dylan tried to jump from one couch to the next. Dylan got mad and started to lash out. Shane was quick to say he was sorry, but Dylan takes longer to calm down when he gets mad.

This is the sort of thing I'm glad is happening when the boys are young. Both need to learn how to resolve conflicts and forgive. Shane needs to learn how to calm himself down and resist acting purely on impulse. Dylan needs to learn how to calm down when he gets mad. You wouldn't think that those two weaknesses would play out well on paper, but the boys may be the perfect learning foils for each other.

Ironically, this happened maybe 2 minutes after Krista and I both said, "They've played so well!!....We should probably call it now and let it end on a good note before everyone is overtired."

We made it home and put Shane to bed after. Carrie, Bucket, and I settled in to watch some Arrow before bed.

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