Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Spring Break Day 4: Here Comes the Rooster

Look out, Grandma! We broke out the hair gel just for you!

Grandma and Grandpa were happy to see all of us. Carrie immediately started to play tech support while Shane worked on his short game.

Carrie joined us in between loading screens.

Grandpa, Grandma, and Carrie all got absorbed in business talk soon thereafter. Shane desperately wanted Grandpa to finish and take him to the train room.

Eventually, I convinced Shane to go outside. Then, in a moment of inspiration, we pulled out his new baseball glove. Grandpa didn't have any baseballs, but he had a ton of golf balls! We played (or tried to play) catch for a long while.

Shane's at a cusp age where he's starting to be able to do all sorts of activities I would like to do with him....but not quite there yet. Tee-ball starts Saturday, so I'm thrilled we got to practice!

Shane stuck at it longer than I thought before he saw a bug.

Shane got his wish after lunch. Grandpa was done and ready to play. We went fishing.

The fish weren't biting.

It must have been too early in the season. Shane didn't want to give up. He's gotten a lot better at casting than I remember.

I ended up with a slight sunburn (We weren't even out that long! Ginger problems).

Shane got his hands on Grandma's iPad after we got back. He installed the same GoNoodle program his kindergarten teacher used.

Basically, it's silly videos where the people in the video tell you to do stuff. Shane just sat and watched as they said, "Jump! Duck right! Jump!"

I failed to see the draw, but Shane enjoyed it. It kept him out of trouble (mostly).

Grandpa cooked dinner, because Grandma was still recovering from some foot surgery. She was mobile, but needed to rest and prop her foot up frequently. Their business kept calling and Carrie and Shane went to bed before it concluded. Clearly, being travel agents is more than just a hobby for them!

Which is a good thing for Carrie. Grandma and Grandpa's business has expanded so much that they were willing to take her on part time. Today was somewhat of a pre-orientation. Carrie will visit next week for a full orientation to learn more about the business. She's eager to wrap-up with Savvy and start.

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