Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Goofy Goober

I feel like Shane has steadily gotten goofier in TKD. I try to sit back and let him do his thing, but then he starts to drive me crazy.

And it's not just the pressing his face all over the mirror when he's supposed to be sitting.

It's whenever the instructors are busy and he's supposed to be waiting...

....and he decides to address the rest of the class,...

...go down the line and pull belts,...

...or balance with his foot against the wall.

Respect is a big thing in the martial arts and I don't feel like Shane shows it enough. He's hopped on pads and what have you. I won't yell Shane's name out during class. It's the head instructor's dojang and he has the floor. I will make eye contact and give a stern gesture. That works, but I don't want to be Shane's external, nagging conscience every 10 seconds. I'll try and sit outside and leave it to the instructors unless I feel like he's being a total pill.

Some it could be the larger class sizes. Shane has to wait longer and waiting is hard for him at the end of a long day!

He better learn it before he disrespects the teacher enough to lose a stripe. I've got no qualms about taking away electronics no matter how good he was at school!

He does well when he's focused. He'll need to bring that A-game next week. It's testing time.

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