Saturday, April 15, 2017

Foaling Around

Shane and I got to meet the baby today! It takes a little less than two hours to drive to the barn in Charlotte County. Baby was sleeping when we arrived.

Carrie, however, was nowhere to be found. She was over at Sonya's taking a shower. We met up with her and then she and Sonya drove Shane back to the barn on the gator.

Which he loves, by the way.

Mira's foal was awake by the time we got back. Foals nap frequently, apparently.

Carrie had hoped Baby would be the first "Bear cub" (Bear is the father). Another mare foaled out first, but both foals share the same birthday (and therefore the same bag of carrots - Sonya and Carrie were trying to bribe the moms to hurry up and have their foals!). The first foal arrived at 3 AM Friday and Mira's filly entered the world at 11:30 PM that night.

The ladies took Mira and filly out to the round pen for a photo shoot.

Carrie says the filly is "perfect!"

She's a cute little fuzz ball.

Shane's attention wavered, but he enjoyed petting her.

Mama #2 and foal came out for their photo shoot next. Carrie has been in horse heaven (though the lack of sleep due to mare stares and helping out kept it from being a total paradise).

Overall, Carrie said that it's been a rejuvenating week.

Shane likes bugs as much as he likes horses.

Amazingly, for all his rolling in the grass the ticks didn't like him. I picked two off of me before they could bite.

Carrie spent a lot of time loving on her horses.

Grandma and Grandpa showed up after five to take a look! They'd gotten lost, so it took much longer than planned.

Grandpa played some soccer with Shane and I.

They only stayed for a little bit. It was a longer drive than expected and they needed to get home!

Shane, Carrie, and I went out for dinner in a neighboring town.

The place was packed. It was clearly the best option in town and everyone there knew it. I was happy to get Carrie away from the barn to relax and eat!

Good food. Service took FOREVER. Thankfully, we were prepared.

Carrie actually left to supply shop while Shane and I waited for take-out (For Sonya and Jeff).

Mira was watching over her baby when we got back.

Sonya had her bed in the barn to keep an eye on all the horses.

Carrie's bed was outside in a trailer. Sonya and Jeff were kind enough to pull their living space trailer up to the barn and plug it in. Carrie showed her thanks by fixing it's DVD player.

Which Shane and I put to use. We stayed the night! Carrie had bought some clean shirts from the Family Dollar in the town over, so that she could tolerate our smell.

Shane got to stay up late. He got half an hour into Megamind before I turned the lights off.

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