Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring Break Day 3: Recovery Day and Bits of Business

I planned for Monday to be a quiet day. Carrie's off this week, but she wanted to do some things remotely to wrap up at her job. Unfortunately, there was some drama.

Shane and I went to Wegmans to grab groceries and give Carrie some peace. He got to pick out a treat.

He wasn't allowed to ride in the lift.

We cleaned, we ate, and caught up on chores around the house when we returned. Shane doesn't need to be told to clean out the cat pots most mornings. It's become routine.

Shane and I tried to go to a pick-up soccer game with his old teammates. However, we went to the wrong field. Some of the girls from the team joined an all girls team and were practicing. We only stayed for around ten minutes, because it started to rain.

The final errand of the day was a farewell. Pidge is more akin to the Pidge on the original series than the Netflix remake (aka - she's a he).

Carrie was upset. Pidge was her favorite.

Pidge wouldn't stop crowing this morning, so Carrie let him wander the yard. He was happy to explore. It shut him up, but our neighbor, Courtney, spotted him. She knocked to let us know he escaped and then Keith started to crow!

Carrie was crestfallen.  We had contacted the breeder earlier and packed up both boys to return from whence they came.

The breeder put them in quarantine in her garage before she said she'd reintegrate.

Shane and Carrie got their chance to say goodbye.

I poked around a little while goodbyes were said. There was a pair of juvenile turkeys with a heat lamp in the garage.

The house was not the sort of house I pictured when Carrie said, "Chicken Breeder."

There were a bunch of pens out back. I guess all you need is some space and a willingness to put up with crowing.

The breeder only had a single juvenile hen to give us. She would have been more comfortable handing us a pair than a single, but Carrie said, "She's beautiful!"

When we got in the car, Carrie realized something. "Did I call a chicken beautiful?"

Carrie named our new hen 'Shay.' Carrie set her up in our own little quarantine on the porch.

Shay did not like Max. She showed a bit of spunk and pecked at her when Max tried to sniff the mesh. "I like her! She's got spunk!" Carrie said.

Henry dropped by for the adoption announcement.

Our flock dropped, but grew again. We're at 15 birds now. Carrie had a long phone conversation with her brother, Chris, after (He's been recalled from Signapore for an active duty assignment and had to train stateside). Chris told her to watch a documentary called "Chicken People." That's my life now, isn't it?

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