Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Promotion Commotion: White Stripe!

Taekwando looked fun tonight! The kids played a lot of games!

Shane did great! Wear him out, Teach!

It helps when there are less kids. That gives Shane less time to get bored/distracted and stay out of trouble.

At the end of class, Shane got his new belt!

I made a point of telling him he worked hard to earn it. "Remember all those times we practiced your form? Or what about those times you didn't want to go to class, but I made you? It takes effort!"

Shane was pumped. I was pumped for him.

He also had an orange dot day at school for goofing off, so it was great to have an activity to go to! He's going to need all the practice focusing and developing self-discipline he can get. The kid couldn't put on his socks without 5+ reminders to 'focus!' He had a hangnail that he couldn't stop looking at.

It was a good night.

If you really want to hear what the instructors said:

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