Thursday, January 27, 2011

Getting my exercise...

Well, I finally started exercising again. It just took a blizzard. I shoveled snow for several hours today, and this old man is going to be sore tomorrow. We must have had ten inches to a foot when I went out there (not the snowmaggedon levels, but plenty of the white fluff). School has been cancelled all but two days this week.

On Wednesday, it looked like school being cancelled was a bad call. There was a slight dusting of snow that melted while the sun was rising and the rest of the day was uneventful if overcast for stretches of time. Then, at 2:40ish it began. I started hearing sleet smack against the side of the house and in minutes it turned to hail. Ten to fifteen minutes after that the hail was done and the snow had begun. My parents lost power 8PM on Wednesday and they had been told it wouldn't return until FRIDAY. Thankfully, their prayers were answered and power was restored about an hour ago. Mom had planned on coming over during the day for heat, but Dad said the roads were littered with abandoned vehicles, downed trees, and that it was too much of an 'adventure.' Patrick had asked to spend the night with us as well, because our 60 degree basement "was much better than his 40 degree and cooling" room.

Shane is developing wonderfully. He smiles more and makes some baby noises (aside from the ubiquitous grunting, crying, and flatulence).  He's also attempts to grasp at some of his toys open-handed instead of the standard flailing. Carrie and I have been trying to do a better job of photographing and videotaping him in the act of doing cool stuff. We managed to catch him in the act of rolling over several days ago. Today, we got some bath pictures that may horrify Shane decades down the line when he gets married. If he doesn't get married, I'll show them anyway, because that's what parents do! I'm really looking forward to seeing who he becomes and how he's going to get there.

That's enough for now. I'm trying to get in the habit of going to bed early, so that I won't be a wreck when I start work back up again on the 7th. Sleep beckons.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Changes changing

Shane's getting more regular in the hours he keeps.  He tends to fall asleep somewhere in the 8:00 - 10:00 range each night. Then, he like to wake up between 1:00 and 3:00 and then he usually wakes up three hours later from whenever the last awakening (4:00-6:00).  At that point, he usually falls back asleep for a 7:00-9:00 wake-up call, but all bets are off. Each feeding usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour to change, burp, feed, and then lull back to sleep. While Shane likes to poop and re-poop after changings, my biggest challenge is to keep him awake to finish his bottle and make sure he burps.

Hunger is what wakes Shane up, so making sure he's stuffed is the sure route to more sleep. However, the act of sucking lulls the little man very quickly and he can go from an arms-windmilling, legs-kicking crier to a bleary-eyed sleeper. Even burping can put the runt to sleep. I've tried walking, diaper changes, little dabs of cold water on his cheek, but when that boy wants to sleep, he's going to go to sleep. Plus, I'm not about to do anything 'extreme' because he's a baby! They're supposed to sleep. So why does he almost always wake back up once I put him in the crib? Thankfully, he goes back to sleep pretty quickly, but it does add to my 'up-time' between sleeps.

For me, this means that I normally have a choice to make every night when Shane drops off to sleep: sleep or freedom. During the day, I rarely have time to do any activity that cannot be interrupted. I read, watch TV, or play PuzzleQuest 2. At night, I have the opportunity to sit down, write, play a more involving game, or try and contact people. Whatever I choose to do will eat up time in my sleep window, but my biological clock still refuses to think of 8:00-9:00 as a viable bed time. I've tried, but I end up checking the clock ever now and then to see if my body snuck off to sleep without me noticing (nope). Last night, I was looking forward to my free time, so I hopped on steam and started looking through my games library. I must've started half a dozen different games only to turn them off after 5-10 minutes. I had the time, but absolutely nothing grabbed my attention. My dad put it best to describe life with a baby: "The littlest man is in charge." My free time does not feel like my own. I had it, but I couldn't bring myself to really do anything with it. It's not depression, it's just a huge shift in priorities. I found myself thinking "What would I get out of this game?" and "What can I walk away from this with?"

Kids are a huge paradigm shift. They mess up your brain!

Quick event log for posterity.
-Doctor's office called about insurance not wanting to cover Shane's checkups on Friday. I called back and they said the system may not have updated and they'll check again in a few weeks. Hopefully things work out, because a $15 copay can become much much much bigger when insurance isn't involved. I've read the claims, so I know. It's funny how a piece of bloodwork would cost $300 dollars, but on the insurance bill it always mentions a "minus the non-allowed amount" or something or other. Then it lists my insurance company as paying something around the tune of $50. I don't understand all of the insurance voodoo, but it reads to me as I would be paying lots and lots of money, but the insurance company gets a heft discount. I never used my insurance very much before marriage and children, but damn I'm happy I have it now.

-I've had one student who's emailed me several times while I've been out asking me for help, because 'he doesn't understand the way [the substitute] teaches it.' What worries me, is that he's emailed me about the same topic over the course of two-three weeks. That could mean that my class is getting very far behind, and I'm still accountable for all of their VGLA binders. Now, I could be wrong. This particular student is a great kid, but he does have trouble with math. However, it's not the sort of thing that I want to be hearing. I already semi-"got in trouble" for leaving too generic sub plans. I'd left all of my work books, some worksheets, and units I wanted covered and planned on emailing more plans in after I'd left. I never heard back from the sub other than "it's fine" and then got an email from one of my AP's telling me my plans were "unacceptable."  Looking back, I'd assumed my sub was probably more competent than I should have, but that also worries me. In some ways, I'll be glad to get back to work just so I don't have to worry about what's happening at my job when I'm not there. If Carrie decides to be a stay at home mom, my job security is going to be paramount. I feel half unemployed (but minus much of the stress) sitting around at home changing diapers and replacing pacifiers all day.

-Pizza! WOOOOOOO!  Playoffs are today. I'm rooting for Packer and Jets so that both the 6th seeded teams make it to the playoffs. Then, I'm hoping the Packers win it because I really don't like the Jets. Aaron Rodgers led me to 2nd place in my fantasy league, so he's my home boy for this season. Plus, I think it's interesting that the Packers don't have a single manager and are instead owned by stock-holders from their city.  Kickoff is at 3, and Carrie and I will be eating pizza until then. Football season has made staying home for baby-care much more interesting.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wow, kids grow fast.

Shane enjoys tummy time. Usually, I lay on my back, and he lays on my stomach. It gives him a soft, warm place to lay, and I keep a hand on his back to steady him. I haven't been exercising much lately though, so my "rock hard abs" have gone a bit soft. I wanted to see how Shane would do if he had a more firm surface to push off of, so I put him in his crib from tummy time yesterday. His head shot up like a periscope as usual. Then my nose started to itch. After a couple of window-shaking, earth-quaking sneezes, I looked up and my son was on his back.  He had rolled over!!!!  That developmental milestone is supposed to be weeks away! The kid is built like a brick (for a baby).  He makes his father proud!  I haven't been able to get him to repeat the manuever since, but I got a cute video out of it that Carrie posted on Facebook.

There was something else poignant I was planning on posting, but it eludes me now. I've learned the golden rule about babies: the littlest man controls what happens.  Everything is on Shane time, so if an idea doesn't hold until I have an opportunity to post it, it's lost to time....or at least the next time it comes up. I'm sure if it's a good enough idea, I'll recall it eventually. 

Anyway, time to go on Shane duty again. Carrie wants to wash dishes and pump it up, so I'm going to go on pacifier patrol. Peace, chicken, and grease.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fingers and toes!

I couldn't be more proud: my son has discovered his fingers.

Today was the first time I've seen Shane take aim when flailing around his arms. He was sitting in his little bouncer and bopping the giraffe and lion toys hanging above him. Then while I was feeding him later, I noticed he was keeping the fingers on both hands splayed wide. The boy has his learn on!

Shane also made the diaper of the poo-pacolypse. Fully clothed, the stench pulsated off his bum in waves. I could see a large chunk of the damage clear through the diaper. It looked like he would've leaked out of both leg holes if his legs weren't there to keep the poop in. Carrie had come to help with this diaper change, so she grabbed Shane's little legs while I cleaned his rump.

"Careful Carrie, there's a some poo there." I told her.

"Where?" She asked and started to examine Shane's leg where she was holding.

This is where I'm a turd.

"Right there!" I said. Only as I said it, I dropped a dab of liquid baby crap on her hand.


I started to cackle. Carrie didn't want to drop Shane's bum back into the dirty diaper, so I'm safe.

Then Shane starts peeing up into the air at us.

Diaper changes are great fun, no?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where does the time go?

You'd think there'd be more time to post, but where does the time go?

10 Things I've noticed about Shane
1. The kid has a periscope for a neck. He just throws his head up there and spins it around.
2. He kicks like a mule. Especially when I'm attempting to change diapers.
3. The mule kicks scootch Shane across the diaper changing station like some sort of upside-down back-crawling technique.
4. The only time Shane really really wails is when he's hungry (which is very often) or when taking a bath.
5. Shane shows he doesn't like baths by pooping in the towel.
6. Shane has a sense of humor. He likes to poop and/or pee after I've switched out a dirty diaper. I call it the "Daily Double."  Sometimes he does it immediately, other times he does it within 10-15 minutes of the change.
7. New Year's Eve marked the first time Shane has started sleeping for large chunks at night. He doesn't do it every night, but I hope he'll be getting more regular.
8. Shane actually likes it when I sing. I swear to Bob. The kid will probably change his mind once he hears real music.
9. He's growing. Shane is putting on about half a pound a week. He's more alert than he used to be, and he stays up for large chunks of time during the day.
10. Shane can sense whenever Carrie or I try to do any sort of non-Shane focused activity. He started to nap today, so Carrie and I went downstairs so I could show her Fat Princess for PS3. Within minutes, he was crying. I tried calming him and then returning to play three times, but it turns out Shane just wanted some company.

What frustrates me the most:
The pacifier. When Shane is worked up, I'll know he wants his pacifier. However, the little stink won't close his mouth on it for some reason. He'll just sit there snorting and rooting and then crying even though it's in his mouth and available. Or, I'll finally calm him down with it and he'll punch the sucker right out of his own mouth and start crying all over again.

What I'm the most proud of:
He's a cute little stink. He also seems to be generally good-natured except when hungry. I'm really looking forward to seeing him grow up.

What I've learned
I've learned that all those times I thought I never really had enough time I was dead wrong. I didn't know the meaning of "not having enough time" until Shane came along. There's always something to do whether it's wash bottles, laundry, diapers, feeding, or taking care of my wife.

Ah. I feel better. I posted something!  That's one out of 100 things on my to-do list that I haven't done. Groceries tomorrow! We've been going through milk like there's no tomorrow.  I don't even bother to check for the best expiration dates anymore, because it won't last more than three or four days.

Back to the trenches!