Monday, May 30, 2011

Things I wonder about who Shane will become

I'm very curious to see what kind of person my son will become as he grows up. Here are just some of the things I think about.  Shane, if you're reading this 10 years from now: 1) I hope you've learned how to read (if not, get your butt in gear at school!) and 2) I hope you get a kick out of it.

   Shane often flails around with both his arms, but he tends to use the left more.  I don't know if it's because I'm right handed and I used to always hand stuff towards his left (since that's my good side) or if I'm just dreaming. He definitely reaches out with his left more often and more accurately. 

Yoga or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
   I think my kid is made out of play-doh, rubber, or some other malleable substance.  He spends most of the time he's not sleeping on his back trying to jam one (or both) of his feet into his mouth!  There were four out of five of his toes wiggling around in there this morning.  I've joked with my friends that he has a good rubber guard, because he's the only person I know who's likely to lose an eye to one of his toenails.

Morning person?
  My son does double duty as my alarm clock. Sleeping in on holidays? Nein, Father!  Shane consistently wakes up between 6 and 7 in the morning. I can always tell by the vibrations rocking my house as he thrashes around happily. Seriously. The kid lifts both his feet straight up in the air and then brings them crashing down. It reverberates through our wall so that our neighbor hears it. Where does he get the energy from? And the singing! You'd think my son was in some sort of singing and dance production listening to him through the baby monitor and praying for him to go back to sleep for another fifteen minutes.

A profession that involves kicking
   See above post. My mom worries that he's going to break his heels. She tries to put pads or distract him when she's baby-sitting from pounding a hole into whatever he's laying on.  So, what do you think? Soccer? Karate? 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturdays with Shane

Every Saturday, Carrie goes off to work and I suit up to play stay-at-home Dad. Today is no different. Shane and I play until I'm dead tired or he drops off to sleep and then I split my time between chores and some R&R.  Since it's a three-day weekend (followed up with my birthday!) I've decided to skip out on the usual laundry and I've watched some Castle and played some Starcraft 2 instead. At the moment, Shane is zonked out less than five feet from where I sit typing this.

I'm always amazed at how hard Shane sleeps. I can bang around working on dishes, meddle with the washer and dryer and crank up the volume on the TV or my computer and he pays it no notice. If the phone rings, I answer it. He just keeps on sleeping. The kid used to really scare me on car rides. He still does!  Sometimes Shane will fall asleep and lull his head forward in his car seat. It looks hugely uncomfortable and I imagine it could cut off a kid's air supply or at least give him one hell of a crick in the neck. To top it off, Shane goes completely unresponsive.  I can call out his name, drop the windows, and crank the music and he'll just snore away. Plan B is I reach back to rub his hair and gently poke him some. Shane still won't respond.  It's on to Plan C. I put my hand on his chest or under his nose to feel that he's breathing while keeping my eyes on the road. As long as he's breathing (and he has never not been) I keep on driving and gently prop his head up or pull down on his car seat some to make his head lull back against it. When I was a newer parent, there were times I almost pulled over on the shoulder to check on him, but now I'm a little less paranoid (but only a little).  Whenever Shane crosses his eyes or makes a funny noise, I run to Dr. Google or Baby411 to see what's what. I love this kid. He's a lot of work, but he's my son! That's the way it's supposed to be. I am looking forward to when he can entertain himself a little more and when he can start running around so we can play outside together.

It's been a busy week in Shane's father's life. SOL tests have been going on all week and Jama had a mini-stroke. I stayed late a couple of days this week working on my damned VGLA binders. I'm going to out of my way to find a good cigar to celebrate the death of that assessment when it passes (next year! WOO!). I'd write more, but then I would probably never want to re-read this post ever again. I think I'm just going to bury the memories and crank them out years and years from now in sentences that begin with "You think this is tough? Back in the day..." I'm just thrilled school is winding down. I'm ready for a new year and a fresh start. Plus, this summer has ESY waiting for me and my new tutoring job. More on those in a later post!

The boy is awake and looking up at me. That's the signal to stop blogging!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shane's first cold

We knew it would happen one day. Dr. Google tells me that this is normal. Kids get colds all the time. That doesn't mean it's been fun.

Shane woke up with snot gurgling and burgling in his pipes. He was coughing and unhappy overall. The boy has been fussy since. As I was getting ready for church, I stopped to feed him. He greedily downed four ounces and then when I went to burp him, Shane projectile vomited all over me. It was my second shower of the day (and the couch's first).  I don't know how, but the boy soaked me so thoroughly from head to toe that it soaked through to my underwear. Gross, eh?

It's been a rough day, but I'll be telling all of this as a humorous anecdote come...well, come this blog! I think it's a pretty funny story! Originally, I was going to write a long detailed post, but then I remembered: this is the internet! If it's longer than a misspelled sentence fragment involving several acronyms most of the denizens of the net will pass it on by. (Does that mean writing with correct grammer and complete sentences will prevent 'undesirables' from reading something? Hmmm....)

Hopefully, my misfortune is good for a laugh or some of you older types can fondly remember raising your own children with all of the bits about throw-up, pee and poop conveniently whited out of your memory.

I've been doing laundry since I got home (in between running back and forth to meet the demands of my tiny master), and I had a prophetic moment.  The washer wasn't quite full and instead of running it, I figured "I'm sure I'll find some dirty clothes if I look around."  I went upstairs and decided to change out of my church clothes and throw those in since they were wear-to-work quality and Shane has been using them as tissue paper. It's over 80 outside and most of my shorts are already being washed, so I donned the kilt (there's nothing better for hot weather if you're man/confident enough to wear one).

It lasted about 3 minutes.

I was holding Shane in one arm and I had just poured a drink to take downstairs in the other hand. Shane started a coughing fit. I remember feeling sorry for the boy and then another thought popped into my head: "Man, that would suck if he sneezed right into my tea."  I remember holding him close in my arm and lifting my drink hand up so that the drink was over his 'sneeze threat zone,' but the rest of my arm was in range if I need to hug him or re-balance.

That's when he struck.  Cough, cough BL@RGH! I just stood there like an idiot. Vomit cascaded down my shirt, my kilt, and into a big pool on the new carpet.

Thankfully, I was standing right next to the half-filled dirty laundry basket I'd brought down.

Oh, and the tea was safe.

The kid just poo'd too.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Teething for laughs

Life is marching on here. Shane popped up at 6:00 AM and now he's down for a quick nap behind me as I sip my morning tea.  His weight gain has slowed some recently, but he's still about 2.5x his birth body weight and he's not even 6 months old yet. That's not really what I wanted to talk about today, though.

Shane has been teething like there's no tomorrow.  He gnaws on his hands, anything he can put in his hands, and he air gnaws on anything he can see but can't reach. I wouldn't be surprised if his dreams were full of chewing. Every morning I check to see if a white monolith has erupted somewhere in my son's mouth. I feel like I'm playing the lottery: no winner has come forward! And yet, the boy has been teething for a couple of months. I'm half wondering if instead of one tooth popping in, Shane is going to wake up with a tiny white arsenal. It'll be nice to take my first picture of his first gap-toothed grin. In the meantime, I'll just keep providing new and exciting things for him to chew on!

Lately, the boy has become ticklish. Whether it's from my beard on his belly or cheek, or my wife tickling his toes, Shane will laugh and squeal. It's damned cute. I try not to tickle him more than for a split second, because he's not really old enough to say if he likes it or not. He is laughing and cackling more and more at ordinary things and when he gets excited! I can bounce around and make faces to get Shane laughing sometimes. Indy, my parent's dog, causes Shane to go straight into laughing hysterics. He loves watching Indy run around and chase a ball in his grandparents' backyard. Last week, I was helping him stand at the sliding glass door and he started cracking up when he saw Indy running around and jumping on the back porch. I fear he's going to be terrorizing that poor dog when he's old enough to run around, ha ha ha. Shane's also taken an interest in watching our cats. Right now, they mostly avoid the baby, but they're really lazy about it. They're going to learn the meaning of true terror once he discovers their tails! I predict trouble. It's going to be fun.

That wraps up the Shane update for today. Carrie is out of town this weekend speaking at some event for work.  Whoever was originally supposed to speak dropped out the week before last and Carrie got nominated to replace him/her. I'm going to be doing the single-parent thing until Sunday night. In the meantime, I'm going to catch up with my teacher friend, Many, for brunch, go to Bruce and Reina's baby shower in the afternoon, and visit my folks since my mom's birthday is tomorrow. For now: Waffles and tea.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One of those days...

Today started out auspiciously. Carrie's boss talked to her Monday about a job that may be opening up where she would be able to work from home and have a guaranteed position for up to five years! That would've been incredible!


Instead, it turns out that Carrie's boss got fed up with his higher ups and he's decided to retire at the beginning of June. What will happen to my wife's job when he goes is anyone's guess.  Then, there was a phone call that evaporated Carrie's chance of getting the at home job. It doesn't matter that her boss wanted her to have it and that she'd be better at it. It's now "unavailable."

Poor Carrie. We've known that her job would only last as long as her boss kept working, but we'd been expecting him to hang around another year and a half or so.

My day went pretty poorly as well. I forgot my lunch in the refrigerator, had the laminator mangle some lab aides I'd been working on, had a redundant training eat up my planning period, an AP was supposed to speak to the class during my LS then never showed, and right before boot camp I found out there was an "incident" between some students in one of my classes that I have no idea what it is and no one told me. The kid responsible had lunch detention with me today and now he's going to have AIA tomorrow. He's not a bad kid, but he's pretty impulsive so I'm wondering if he made an inappropriate comment.  Kids getting in trouble in a class happens to every teacher. I don't like not knowing what happened and that no one bothered to tell me since it was in my class. Hopefully, that mystery will be solved tomorrow.

The rest of the day passed quietly. I weeded the heck out of my garden and Shane and I took an unplanned nap on the floor when he got home. Carrie said I was knocked out for about an hour and got a kick out of the red marks on my face from sleeping on something. Now, it's time to go up to bed and face tomorrow.

The best thing about a day like this is that it always seems like it's downhill from here on out. It's best to pray for peace, grit your teeth, and get rolling towards the better times. There are two days to the weekend and the start of SOLs! I actually like SOL week. It's the prep beforehand that's rough, but the week tends to fly by. Then there's a two-hour early release Friday, a three-day weekend from Memorial Day, and my birthday.  Carrie will probably be doing more riding lessons over the coming weeks as well. She's found a fair-sized group of people that she really enjoys working with.

Anyway, better times are definitely ahead. I'm making a promise to myself I'll talk about Shane next post instead of boring work stuff.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Driving home from the gym, I decided to give Jama a call. The first thing she mentioned: my blog. Aunt Zanne had mentioned me mentioning Jama's Mother's Day gift advice.

Jama: "MIKEY! Do you think my friends will think I'm bad?"

Busted! How do you reply to that?

Me: "Oh, Jama. They know you by now!"

At which point, we both started laughing. "Oh, they know I'm bad!" Jama joked.

"You're not bad! You're fun!" was my reply.

I love my Jama! She's a lot of fun as long as you realize she's got a wicked sense of humor. She's one of those people who lives life fully instead of just sitting around and watching it pass by. I'm looking forward to introducing her to Shane, but at the rate he's growing he's going to be half her size by the time that happens! The kids is nearly 20 lbs now! There was a two-year old at church who was only half a head taller than Shane. He clearly gets that from Carrie's Grandpa Moffat (who sounds like a gentle giant and even played some pro football for the Steelers back in the way early days of the NFL).

Also, if you didn't catch it in my first present participle phrase, I've started going to the gym. I haven't worked out in forever, or hung out with a lot of my friends since getting married, my workload at work doubling when they didn't hire a replacement teacher and I got to teach two subjects, buying a house, going through a pregnancy and now raising my son.

I'm full of excuses aren't I? Good at them too, or I would've found a way to exercise by now. I didn't get too sore last week, because I took it easy, but Igor made sure I didn't slack off today. Sadly, I was half-asleep the whole time I was there. I could've passed out standing up. And yet, I'm awake now. Go figure.

I'm going to wrap up my post here. Looking at some of my old posts, they look like bears to read, so I'm going to try and keep things shorter where I can. It suits my attention span better and prevents rambling.  My next post will be about Shane (of course) and an update on the great opportunities that have come Carrie's way.

Peace out, boy scouts.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Old writings

I haven't managed to write anything for the last....well, really long time ago. I think September. With work, chores, and Shane keeping me busy, it may be a little bit before I start the routine again. Plus, Dexter's gift of Starcraft 2 is eating up my little free time (Thanks again, btw. You totally had me surprised when it showed up.)

It's all amateur work, but I'm still proud that I wrote as much I wrote, so I figured I'd post it here in case anyone was interested.

Here's the first story I wrote. It was an attempt at humor in the BattleTech universe. It actually warranted a "fun read, but I'll have to pass" rejection email from the editor.

Here's a quick flash fiction I tried writing for a (shock) flash fiction website. Never fully edited this one, so it may read a little rough.

Finally, here's where most of my time went. I started writing a 'science fantasy' story. I have notes and I'd like to get back to it, but here's what I did so far.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm pumped. Confused as all get out, but pumped!  I just got shipped a package of Starcraft 2 from Activision-Blizzard and I don't have a clue why!  I checked the "bill to" part on the packing slip, but it just listed the address of Blizzard in Los Angeles (according to Google at least).  I was too excited at first to think straight, but I started to wonder if maybe it's some sort of delayed congratulations gift. Mike Dexter had mentioned sending me something, but I assumed he'd been talking about something for Shane (since he has babies on the mind in his life). Could this have been from him? Either way, I'm still pumped.  I just played the first couple of missions and it's good fun.

Today was also fun because I got to use a buy 1 get 1 free coupon at a new, locally owned pizza place. The owner introduced himself on the phone when I made my order. The verdict?  Good pizza!  It's not the best I've ever had, but with the coupon it was definitely worth it.

Pizza and a new was nice when I got home!  Carrie had to go to do some riding lessons (she's starting to form a bit of a clientele) so I ended up babysitting Shane for the first three and a half hours I was home, but the weather was awesome and he was in a happy mood. It's work, but I do like to be with my son. It'll be even more fun once I can take him out and play catch and tag.  He's grabbing at things far more often. He reaches out to stuff on his exercaucer and tries to grab or even spin some of the larger objects some. His accuracy is wanting, but the determination to do 'something' with his hands is apparent. He's clocking in just under 19 pounds now and he wears 9 month+ clothing at 5 months. Want to bet he dwarfs Daddy at some point?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh, Jama

There's always a chance for mayhem when Jama calls.

Carrie is upstairs cooking dinner, and I'm downstairs taking care of Shane when my cell phone rings. Jama is calling to warn me that Mother's Day is coming up.

Jama: "Mikey, now you be sure to get Carrie a good present. This is her first Mother's Day!

We talk back and forth for a little bit. I assure her that I have something planned.

Jama: "Well all right, Mikey. I just don't want you to find some ribbon and wrap that in a bow around your tally-whacker and call that a gift!"

Those may not be her exact words, but in my defense it's hard to breathe when you're laughing your guts off because your grandmother felt like she had to warn you about gift-wrapping your penis for a Mother's Day present.

But she didn't stop there....

Jama: "There was one time your Papa (aka Grandpa) couldn't find a card, so do you know what he did? He..." 

...and I'll let your imagination fill in the rest of that blank!

Oh, Jama. I'm looking forward to when Shane's old enough to really get to know you, ha ha. I know I learned many colorful expressions that my mom did her best to avoid explaining to me until I was old enough to figure it out myself!

Have I mentioned I love my family? They're a hoot.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Carrie's first Mother's Day is Coming Soon

Carrie's first real mother's day is coming up this Sunday. She got to celebrate the holiday last year while she was pregnant, but now it's the genuine article. Its occurs to me that I have two options: A) mess things up and forever have the bar set low, or B) do it right and risk having the bar set at that level from here on out.

Decisions, decisions....

I called my mother on my way home from work. She told me exactly what she wants for Mother's Day: socks.  They must be beige or they must be blue jean colored. No exceptions. That I can do.

As my mom and I were talking, the subject of Mother's Day cards came up.

Mom: Mike, I know it's going to be your natural instinct to go for something funny, probably involving flatulence, but I'm telling you to avoid that type of card!  Go for something sweet and romantic. That's what I would like.

I'm laughing hysterically by the word flatulence.

Mom: Oh no, don't tell me....

Me: I've already bought the card!

The first few words on the card? Pull my finger.