Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tiny Trouble

You'd think it'd be too cold for ticks, but Loki keeps finding them somewhere. I thought he had an 'eye booger' and it turned out to be this little guy.

I hate ticks. I've killed four in the past couple of weeks on Loki. It's amazing I even found them at all. Two were crawling on his snout and I mistook them for eye junk, one was in the white floof of the ruff that collars his neck, and the last I happened to feel something off when scratching behind his ears (I credit all the years of flea hunting on my dogs with Nana as I grew up to train my sense of touch...).

So....Loki needs an application of tick medicine. Even with winter approaching.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Loki hates the spinner

Shane likes the Don't Break the Ice game, but Loki hates it. He barks up a storm when the spinner starts to spin.

We're not sure why. Maybe it's because we get loud and raucous as we play? Maybe the noise is somehow irritating? 

Whatever the cause, Loki is not a fan!

Carrie decided to "de-sensitize" train him after I video taped. She kept spinning the spinner until I was ready to bark or throw it out in the yard. Loki did stop barking.....eventually.....this time. I don't think he's changed his mind permanently, though.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Dump Day

It was an awkward morning after the dramatic night. Shane and I talked about it and eventually Carrie and I talked, too. 

The healing started: we went to the dump.

Yes, seriously.

It'd been months and we had a huge stockpile. We couldn't even fit all of the recycling in the back of the truck.

Trash went on the trailer. 

I guess you could look at it like a metaphor. There were some unsettling feelings, so we took them and dumped them.

Then we got Subway.

Or at least Carrie and Shane did. There were leftovers at home that were free and someone needed to eat. 

Things felt more normal on Sunday and then by Monday the week was back in full swing. It's not that I haven't thought about things again since, but life moves on. I wish I knew how things resolved, but if nothing happens in the next several months I'll assume it's all done.

Friday, November 26, 2021

A Wild Night

Friday was a good day. Friday night, things got weird.

It started on the road home from NOVA. Shane and I were nearly home when a deer stepped into the road. 

It took me by surprise. 

I hit the brakes but left off as the deer stopped in the oncoming lane. I slipped past looking the buck in its eyes.

I started flashing my brights like crazy to warn any cars coming from ahead. About 10 seconds later I saw someone turn their hazards on in my rear view mirror as the road curved away. I don't know that they hit the deer, but I bet they did. 

And it was almost me.

I don't know for sure if I would have clobbered the deer if it didn't stop, but odds are high. My guess is I would have hit it around 20 or 30 mph.

So when a man knocked on our door around 7 PM saying they'd hit a deer my heart went right out to them. He was distraught and panicking. "I just wanted to tell you that I pulled into your driveway to get off the road, so you wouldn't call the cops on me."

He was off. I figured it was mental health or the fact that he'd just hit a deer around 50 mph and his "girl's" car was totaled "after it was just paid off." 

Carrie thought differently. She had a bad feeling. The guy reminded her of people from her time working with people coming out of jail, substance abusers, and batterers. She thought the guy wasn't hurt, the non-emergency line could be called to help process things, and I needed to stay inside because she felt unsafe.

I went outside. I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help even if it was just listen to the guy's sob story. I wanted Carrie and Shane to stay inside. As the guy sobbed and I commiserated with him, I took a quick picture of the busted up front and license plate. I texted it to Bill with a "Some guy hit a deer in front of our house" just in case. I didn't get a picture of the guy (was trying to be on the sly).

The car radiator was destroyed. The guy said he was 10 miles from home, but I didn't think he could go more than a couple of miles. I kinda wanted him to drive two miles down to road into town where it was well lit and he'd have big parking lots to wait for help in, but I figured it was his choice. 

The guy was an emotional wreck. I heard about he had Black Friday deals in the trunk for the kids he'd have to take back and all sorts of things. He called for help and I heard him sobbing/panicked on the phone to his girlfriend/wife. 

At one point he asked me not to call the police (uh oh). He said he was on a restricted license, because of a bad motorcycle crash. It was his girl's car, bad stuff, etc, uh oh.

Carrie called while I was out there to let me know she'd call the non emergency line to tell them a guy had knocked on our door after crashing into a deer on the road. She was scared and wanted me to come inside, but I still wanted to stay outside and help even if just emotionally. 

I didn't mention the police were on their way, though. Enough had happened that I felt unsure about the whole situation. I didn't think the police showing up would necessarily be bad. After all, a deer jumping in front of your car wasn't a crime! And couldn't someone chose not to file a report if they weren't going to claim insurance?

The bible says "...be shrewd as the snakes, and innocent as the doves" (Matthew 10:16). I had the dove part down, but in hindsight I wasn't shrewd. 

The quick version is this: A car pulled up with a woman and her mom to pick the guy up and figure out what to do next. He wanted to know how long he could leave the car in the driveway and I said I'd ask my wife what she thought. As I walked to the house, the police pulled up. When I walked back outside to check on how things were going, an officer greeted me as I walked up. He said there'd been three crashes involved deer in the past hour and asked me what was up. I said the guy had knocked on our door saying he'd hit a deer.

That wasn't what the people told the police. They'd said the girl had been driving.

Oh, shit.

I had a terrible sinking feeling that things were about to spiral and my presence was only going to make things worse.

So I went back inside. 

Carrie was still scared and furious. She knew I had wanted to help, but she didn't think going out and getting involved in a bad situation was necessarily helping and it dragged the family into it. "What if they're crazy or have a grudge?"

An officer knocked on the door to ask for my statement. He asked if the guy had told me he'd been driving and I said yes. He told me that they'd said something different and they guy was under the influence and he could arrest him right now if he'd been driving. Then the officer asked if the guy had been alone.

I was feeling all sorts of horrible and conflicted. I was weak. Instead of saying "Yes," I said I was "99% sure."

That doesn't seem like much, but I knew he was alone. Part of me didn't want someone to get arrested for hitting a deer, but Carrie pointed out it "wasn't my role to judge." I didn't think I was and didn't want to judge. Yes, I know that the choice to drive on a restricted license, etc, are all choices the guy made. However, I'd felt like God had protected me from my own close call with a deer only a couple hours prior. That helped spur me to go out and 'help' in the first place.

The officer asked if the girl had been there and I was still struggling inside. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't going to lie (especially not to an officer), so I hesitated and said nothing. The officer moved on and I immediately felt guilty. He went back outside and Carrie let me know what she thought. "You weren't forthcoming."

And she was right. At that point, I was thinking she was right about the whole situation. What would have happened if I hadn't gone out? Maybe I prevented a false insurance report? 

I resolved if I was asked again I would answer fully. 

The police officer called again several minutes later. He asked what I'd heard and I repeated the guy had told me he was driving, couldn't swerve because a car was in the other lane, and hit the deer at ~50. He asked if our security cameras showed out as far as the road, but it was focused on our property. Plus, the headlights of the car had been pointed at the camera, so they were all that was clearly visible.

"Would you be willing to testify or would you prefer to remain out of this?" the officer asked.

I answered honestly. "I'd prefer to stay out of it, but if called to testify I'll do what I have to do."

It was an awkward night. Carrie was scared and mad that I'd gotten 'the family' involved. She stayed up watching the security cameras most of the night unable to sleep. I texted/called some family and friends for prayers.

Two weeks later, I have no idea how it ended. I know the second car away and the cops had a tow truck pick up the totaled car, but I don't know if an arrest was made. I don't know if I'll be called on to testify or not. Do the people hold a grudge? No idea. How much of what the guy told me was true? Did he even have kids? How much of what the cop said was true? Or what if I never went outside? Would the guy's people have come, helped call a tow, and everyone would be gone? Did Carrie only call the non-emergency line, because I was out there?

I just don't know and I don't like not knowing.

I'm not sure what God intended with the whole situation. The guy could've been sent to jail. That could be terrible, or maybe it could turn his life around for the better. Or maybe the officers let them off with a scare. That could be the impetus for the guy to change his life. Or maybe the girl would break up with him and that'd help her? Or maybe they hardened their hearts and ignored the warning completely? Could the deer popping out have prevented him from hitting another car further down the road? 

All questions I don't think I'll ever know the answer to. God has a plan, but that doesn't mean I'm privy to it. 

I'd like to think I did what God wanted me to, but I still feel uneasy. The whole situation made me fell small, stupid, and helpless to however it would unfold. I knew it wasn't my fault the guy hit the deer, had a restricted license, or had lied to the cops, but I felt guilty by association and my "99% comment. If I'd known the people would lie to the police I would not have wanted to go outside at all.  

Carrie and I processed and had a conversation the next day. Shane asked me questions, too. At one point, I said, "I hope I did the right thing, but I honestly don't know what to think right now."

I held off on writing this to see if I'd get a phone call or something in the mail, but I have no new clarity. I've thought about it off an on some, but for the most part I put it all behind me to keep moving forward. Writing this makes me think about everything again and how much I don't know. It's not a fun feeling. 

If I never hear anything again, I'll assume the matter is settled. If I get some sort of summons to testify in the future I'll post something then.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

Our festivities started with panic cleaning and a supply run (It's easy to tell when it's a Carrie-centric run...).

Grandma and Grandpa visited Wednesday evening!

It was a three-fold trip: Thanksgiving, Shane's birthday, and a cat drop off (We're babysitting Bucket again while they Bucketeer).

We were talking in the kitchen about whether or not to make Shane wait to open his present, but he was already at it when I turned the corner.

It kept him busy while the adults talked. Carrie showed off the new game table to her parents and they loved it.

The conversation when Grandma and Grandpa are around tends to be more adult about things like sports, work, and travel. That's not Shane's cup of tea, so it was good he had a present to fiddle with while we talked!

Dinner was pizza. We used the big table in the dining room. It could seat everybody....once I got the cat out of my chair. I was trying to get a shot with Shane and the cat, but when Shane saw I was taking a picture he made sure to frown.

I told him I was really trying to get a picture of the cat and ducked down to do so.

Which may have led Shane to duck under the table, too. Here he is reappearing near Grandma.

And with his own cat in tow!

Thanksgiving day, Shane and I made a trip out to see Patrick, Shelby, and Nathaniel!

I didn't remember to ask if it was OK to post any baby pics, so I held off. Instead, I give you Shane and Giles.

I spent most of the time talking rather than taking pictures. Shane spent his time playing with Giles and Nathaniel slept away! Shelby's mom cooked and everyone was kind enough to ask Shane and I to join them at the table.

It was meant to be a low-key Thanksgiving, but seeing family made me more thankful. I was glad we got the chance to drive out!

Friday, Shane and I met more family at a park in NOVA. We arrived first. Matt, Aiden, and Graham soon followed! Graham was recently recovered from hand, foot, and mouth disease, so Matt was doing his part to keep the boys active and away from newborn baby Harper. 

Bill and Ben showed up right after!

I admit: I hoped the trip would be fun for Shane, but a big factor in my motivation to drive up was to see everyone myself. I love seeing family and friends.

And then Briggs and Beau showed up, too! That was a big surprise for Matt and I! Bill had told Briggs we were meeting up and encouraged him to come out.

While all the dads were thrilled to see each other, Shane laid prone. I think he was complaining about the wind or the lack of attention.

He only kept it up until everyone went to the playground without him! It was by God's grace he had a warm hat. I'd grabbed two hats on accident before heading out. I almost put one down, but thought, "Maybe Shane will want it since we're outside." I'm glad I did. It was much colder out than anyone expected. I could feel the wind and see leaves scattering as we drove through Fairfax. 

All the kids started off playing on their own. Graham ran one way and Aiden ran up the hill to run down. Ben stuck with Bill. Shane tried to interest Aiden in rolling down the hill, but found out the hard way there were way too many sticks! Briggs brought Beau a little soccer ball to play with, but Beau seemed more interested in the slides. 

Shane and I started to play a little with the soccer ball instead. 

Which made Beau decide he wanted it. Shane tried to kick the ball back to me, but it went straight into Beau's face!

I winced so hard I almost pulled a muscle. Shane was shocked, too.

Thankfully, Beau wasn't really hurt. Briggs said, "I'm just glad I didn't do it!"

Beau recovered and the kids started to run around again.

Shane's by far the oldest, but he does a great job with little kids. He'd have been a fantastic big brother.

Ben in particular seemed to enjoy chasing after Shane.

But Shane spent time with Aiden, too. 

Roars seem "too scary" Aiden, but he's happy to swing around.

Shane and I arrived at the park around 11:15 AM. An hour later, it was getting near lunch time and the kids must have worked up an appetite.

Matt's kids were eating whatever they weren't picking their noses with (or maybe that was to add flavor, because Graham definitely gnawed on that stick, too!).

Aiden preferred leaf.

Which he tore pieces off and ate daintily.

And what the big brother does...

I told Matt I was going to tell Nana he wasn't feeding his kids! He was trying to ignore it some in case telling the boys to stop would encourage them to munch more! (My laughing and taking pictures may have counteracted his strategy...)

We said our goodbyes and everyone split up for lunch. Shane wanted spaghetti, so I took him to Noodles and Company. 

I tried to call Jama multiple times and even Ed, but I couldn't get a hold of her. I'd tried to contact John, as well, but he replied with "Sorry not going anywhere or doing anything. It's for the best I keep quiet." I would have loved to have visited Goetz, Travis, Gen and Chris, or any other number of people, but the time window was limited. I needed to get home in time to take care of evening horse chores.

Bill had given us an open invite to drop by his parents' house, so Shane and I made that our next stop.

If I had a magic wand, I'd make all the kids closer in age (preferably by aging them all up closer to Shane), but I do think Shane's kindness with those younger than him is a testament to his budding character. I pray that it continues!  

Shane and I hung out at the Jeffers for several hours before scooting back home. It was a great day and I was feeling great about the holiday weekend. 

Then something strange happened Friday evening, but that deserves a post on its own.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Kicking off the Break Right!

Carrie and Shane got COVID shots to kick off Thanksgiving Weekend. She woke me up at 4 AM to say she'd gotten Shane scheduled for his first shot and a booster for her. I said, "Sure," and went back to sleep.

Carrie said Shane was a wimp about it until she gave him a phone to look at. He hardly noticed the shot and said, "That's it?" when it was done.

I asked, "What was up with his hair?"

"I really don't know," was all Carrie could say!

I wasn't in a rush to get Shane his shot. It's not that I was scared of the vaccine so much as I didn't see it as urgent for him. Shane's not likely to be in any danger if he caught COVID, and he's lasted this far in school without being exposed and quarantined. I did have some concerns, but with as inflammatory as politics and the vaccine are right now, if there were bad reactions in kids there's no way that would have been able to stay out of the news.

I did tell Shane that the shot was his birthday present. He loved that!

UPDATE: Shane was fine the next day. Carrie's been feeling off ever since. Historically, she takes a while to recover from anything and everything. I'm writing this Sunday night at 8 PM as she's asleep on the couch. Shane's playing Roblox to keep him quiet. Laura and Amy said at the hospital it seemed to them like the 3rd shot was just as bad as the 2nd if not worse. I'm not in a rush to get my booster and I certainly wouldn't do it without Carrie feeling better.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Gift!

It's rare I get gifts. However, one kid got me a unique one.

So I put it on.

I looked like a chef for the rest of the class.

It started from a random hair question. I mentioned it was annoying having long hair at night. I said something like, "I'll turn over and my hair will floop and wake me up!"

So K got me a night cap!

I sent Carrie the selfie pic and it got an animated response.

Which I showed the student who got me the cap, so she could share in the laugh!

I haven't tried to sleep in it yet. But I need to, because I'm probably going to get a question about it.

UPDATE: I did sleep in it once! My hair was noticeably less tangled by morning. And it didn't even stay on all night. I think I overheated some and it was a little tight, so I kept pushing it up until it slipped right off. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Wrestling 2021-22

I wasn't sure what I was going to do this wrestling season. There was a new coach. I don't know exactly what happened with Rick, but it sounded like he decided to call it quits. He struggled with turnout last year and only three kids showed up for the entirety COVID season. I think he was frustrated and done.

The new coach is a new coach. He's in his 30's, so he's not a young-in, but he has no experience. I figured I'd drop by practice to introduce myself and see if he needed anything. Only he wasn't there. It took a week for him to get fully cleared, so he could start the season!

I showed up on the first day to say hello and help. Only the trainers showed up, too, and wanted to do hydration testing! Coach F had thought he was going to have practice! Instead, it turned into over half an hour of standing around as kids peed in cups and were told they weren't hydrated enough, because no one told them they'd need to drink water and avoid peeing too soon before practice.

My contribution was to hunt down a volleyball. That way the kids who had already failed the test could play handball and keep themselves busy rather than doing nothing.

I didn't see any actual practice until the next day (After Round 2 of trainers trying to hydration test!). Kids were standing around and it seemed passive, so I just started yelling and making them warm-up. 

It became the routine. I get kids moving and then I hand it over to the coach.

The kids are definitely out of shape. They don't have to wear masks, so that's not an excuse for being unable to catch a breathe! 

Coaches have to stay masked. Combine that with long hair and drilling is a different experience for me!

The team is mostly brand knew to the sport. Most know nothing. With starting a week late and no experienced leaders in the room, the first match will be a slaughter. The most veteran kid is a decent wrestler, but he keeps getting in trouble at school. I've seen him at practice 2 or 3 times in the first 7 days. Another kid knows something, but he only practiced twice because he forgot to get a physical turned in. The biggest stud on the team is an 8th grader who doesn't come daily and can only wrestle JV. He'll be invaluable next year (as long as he doesn't transfer to a school with a team, so he can have better partners to practice with!).

I wasn't sure how committed I'd be as a volunteer, but I've kicked off practice with warm-ups at 4:10 and hung around until about 5:00 each day. I get a sweat going and then head home for dinner, horse chores, and family time.   

I feel like this year is going to be all about planting a seed for future years and transitioning out of COVID fright and into post-COVID life. And hopefully without interruption. The football team had to cancel one game due to a lack of players (Injury, COVID, and then all the quarantines). There are much fewer wrestlers than football players and people tend to stick with the same partners due to size issues. There are no large huddles. I think wrestling is a safer sport than football when it comes to possible contamination, but only time will tell if I'm right.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

State of the Mike

So, how am I doing? Hopefully, you can tell a lot from the blog.

I try to post both highlights and challenges in life, because I think the best and worst times make the best stories. That leaves out a lot of routine things that are so normal and obvious to my family that I don't think to write them down. And in general, I try to lean towards the positive stories (even if I did do a few school posts lately!). Then there are the many stories I compose in my head that remain there never to be heard by another soul. Maybe I was busy. Maybe I forgot. Maybe a different story with a different flavor fit my mood when I sat to type.

My general state of being: Blessed.

My daily state of being: Still blessed, but often tired and doing my best to focus on how I am blessed!

I think of it as the little picture vs the big picture. It's easy to focus only on whatever challenge or stressor is right before me, but if I step back and count my blessings I can remember the big picture and take heart.

Some examples:

Little Picture: Work is tough. My A days are challenging.

Big Picture: I have a job I feel called to and find meaningful. It pays bills and provides for my family. I could stop working for a whole year and we'd be okay financially. My B days are going well. 

Little Picture: My golfer's elbow hasn't fully gone away. I stopped my exercise routine and lost ~4 pounds.

Big Picture: I'm in better shape than many high schoolers and I'm nearly 40. I know, because I work with the wrestling team. My elbow isn't fully healed, but it doesn't stop me from any of my normal routine. I just haven't resumed weight training.....which was working for me, because muscle is what you lose when you stop working out and don't change your diet. I don't have any major health concerns at the moment other than I'd like to be in better shape than I am now.

Little Picture: Carrie is often stressed and works to find energy to make it through the day.

Big Picture: We're still in love after over a decade together. Our marriage has been tested by big storms and we both feel secure with each other's commitment. Some days she finds energy and surprises me with an amazing project she accomplishes! I think Carrie looks cute when she's sleeping and we can fight (over this picture) and make up! 

Little Picture: Shane has a lot of energy and takes a lot of energy.

Big Picture: I'm proud to be Shane's dad. God blessed me by making me a father. Shane's a kind hearted, intelligent, loving goofball. He's not perfect, but no child will be. I can trust him to help out with chores and be useful around the house. I have no academic concerns about him and I'm curious to see what he will do with himself as he gets older.

Little Picture: I don't feel like I'm as connected to a close friend group like when I was growing up.

Big Picture: I was blessed with a close friend group and an amazing family growing up. They don't live as near by, but when I do get to see them I feel close even if months have gone by. I come home to a family I feel at home with and want to be around. I want more good things, because I have/I've had good things and know they're good. 

Little Picture: I want Shane to have a tight friend group growing up like I did. He doesn't. I want to find our Jeffers family connection. We haven't.

Big Picture: Shane gets along well with just about anybody. He's really good with younger kids. He has friends and connections even if he doesn't see them as constantly as he or I like. He's had some struggles at school, but nothing insurmountable. He still wants to go to school each day (Seriously! One morning he was complaining he was tired and I said, "You can stay home if you'd like" and he immediately backtracked! Young Mike would have said, "Yes, please!"). I feel like my own struggles with bullies (while not fun) helped develop me into a tougher, more emphatic, listening, and aware man. I pray it will be the same for Shane. I plan to involve Shane in youth group activities at church when he's older and maybe he'll be so ready to plug in it'll be a match made in heaven! 

And I can keep going. The trick is to take the time to pray and refocus on the big picture whenever I'm in the little struggle. I believe God has a plan for everything, so I should act like I believe it.

So, yeah. There are tough days and even weeks, but not bad months or terrible years. There are happy days amongst the tough ones, fun weeks, good months, and blessed years.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Black Friday Deals

As Black Friday Deals pop up, I have to remind myself that 75% off of something I don't need may seem like a great deal, but it's still 25% more than I should pay. Finding things for a great price is a thrill and new things are inherently shinier than what I already have, but I'm blessed to have more than enough of what's important. I have plenty of under and un-played games (video or board) that I don't need to pick up something new. 

That hasn't stopped me from updating wishlists or filling up an online cart several times to see what I could get and for how much. I've managed to stop myself from pulling the trigger on anything so far, though!

The only place I've failed to avoid any impulse buys for is Audible. I tend to crush on things and Audible is my current craze. I bought four audiobooks for $5 each that I hope will keep me and my family busy for a great hourly rate! 

UPDATE: I picked up 3 more audiobooks for $1 each on 'Cyber Monday!' 7 audiobooks for $23 make me happy and without feeling like I overindulged. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Close Call

One day in late fall, Loki didn't greet me when I came home from work. He normally waits at the washroom door when he hears me come in. If he's outside, he normally watches me park and runs up when I open the door.

I found Carrie and Shane in the kitchen and after they welcomed me home I asked, "Where's Loki?"

"What do you mean, 'Where's Loki?'" Carrie replied.

That's when they realized Loki wasn't in the house. He wasn't outside either. 

He was in the truck.

Everyone ran outside to get him. He'd been there since Shane had come home from school. Thank God, it was fall, it wasn't too hot (60's or low 70's), and the sun was hidden behind clouds. The truck was parked in the shadow of the hay barn, too. Loki hopped out healthy and excited to see his people.

Shane cried. I'd yelled out something in shock about how dangerous it was to leave animals in cars when we'd realized where Loki was. It wasn't directed at him, but I don't think Shane sees me that worried and surprised that often. On a hotter day Loki could've been dead. 

Once we got back inside, we made sure the water bowl was full and I did a Google search and read out how dangerous leaving a dog in a car could be. Everyone knew we'd dodged a disaster, so there was no need to focus on it afterward.

This is not a recent tale, but it is a vivid memory. I'm trying to backdate and fill in blog posts and I think Shane will probably remember leaving dogs in cars is a bad thing for the rest of his life. He was incredibly upset when he realized something could have happened to hurt Loki. It wasn't his fault in that both he and Carrie had time to realize Loki wasn't in the house, but I think the realization he hadn't a clue Loki was in a dangerous spot frightened him. 

So here's to hoping the lesson was learned for all of us!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


So I've been enjoying Audible. Instead of listening to Dice Tower or music, audiobooks have become my preferred distraction while doing horse chores. I'll even stall and take a little longer if it's at a good part! If it's a good enough story, I'll listen while commuting, too.

A chance discussion with Shelby put a new idea into my head. "What speed do you listen to?" Shelby asked.

It never occurred to me that there were other speeds to listen to. 

I'm a fast reader, so one of my complaints about audiobooks has been the rate at which I can listen. There has been a "Rate of Speed" button all along and I've noticed it. I just never thought to actually use it!

So, thank you, Shelby! Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky felt a little like punishment at times, but at 1.25x it's more palatable. I still may not finish it, but I would have given it up sooner if not for the speed increase. 

Audible technically goes up to 3x speed. At that point, it sounds like hyperactive chipmunks to me. I read that some people train themselves to listen to books at faster rates, but the attractiveness of audiobooks to me is that I can listen to them while doing something else. If I really wanted to go through something fast, I'd just read it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Just Shapes and Beats

Shane got excited about a game I'd never heard of: Just Shapes and Beats. He loved the music and would watch playthroughs (and tell me about them as if it were him playing through the whole game!).

After several months I noticed the game went on sale on Steam. I didn't buy it then, but I put it on my wishlist in case it ever went on sale again. It was a cheap indie game and seemed fine for Shane to play.

Eventually, it did go on sale. I asked Carrie to buy it and put it on Shane's account. He noticed it, but wasn't allowed to play it at first. Then there was one day that he did all of his chores and impressed Carrie, so we 'unlocked it' for him.

It was much harder to play than to watch! Shane got into it and improved, though.

He played the game all the way through to completion, too! Now he plays multiplayer and challenge mode.

Originally, I'd thought about giving it to Shane as a birthday present, but I'm glad it turned out the way it did. He did something good, got rewarded, and has played the game more than enough to feel it was worth the cost.