Thursday, December 31, 2015

Reflection 2015

My goals from the past year are here.

There has been a lot of transition.

In the past year:
  • Carrie started a new job and moved to Charlottesville.
  • She lived in a rented townhouse.
  • I finished my first season coaching wrestling.
  • We sold our house.
  • Shane and I lived at Nana and Pop's until they moved.
  • Carrie and I bought a house in Charlottesville.
  • Shane moved to Grandma and Grandpa's.
  • He moved to Charlottesville next.
  • I slept at Jama's and at Matt's new house (which he and Renee bought in May).
  • I finished my last year teaching in Fairfax County and moved to Charlottesville.
  • In August, I started a new job.
  • In November, I started coaching wrestling again.
  • A week later, I became the head middle school coach.
  • Oh, and we got a horse.
  • Carrie fell off it.
  • Come to think of it, the Prius died back in April. 
  • That's when we bought the bug.
  • A moped may have been purchased somewhere in there, too.
  • Shane's been to three day-cares.
  • And that's the short list.
We figured out where we were going and got there, though. It was dramatic at times, too. We are not 100% settled to my standard, but we've come a long way.

Shane did get involved in preschool, soccer, and our community group. Wrestling is in progress. He attended a Pee Wee practice before Christmas. I wasn't sure he liked it, but he asked about it again today. 

Travel was more sporadic. We've received more visitors than we've taken trips. Shane and I have both been to SC and NOVA again. The boy and I road tripped down to Roanoke to see Kyle ref hockey, as well. We never made it west as a family. MomMom passed away in Montana. Carrie attended the funeral in St. Louis. The Oregon trip became a Carrie-only, immediate turn-around affair partly as a result. Our only family trips that come to mind were runs to Grandma and Grandpa's and a time-share sales pitch. We got adventures in and I feel connected to old roots, but I hope to get some more family trips in in the future (emphasis on family!). 

Shane's grown tremendously throughout. His baby pictures astound me. Shane read some beginner books for me on the couch earlier. I don't know what mischief he'll be capable of December 2016. 

Carrie and I's growth is harder to see. Carrie spotted a white hair in my beard for the first time (they've been there!). I won't tell you if she has any or from what. It'd be a toss up whether Shane or I caused them. 

Thank you, Lord, for giving and guiding us through an interesting year. I pray 2016 involves lots of settling in and growing roots, but mainly I'm curious to see where you'll take us (after I get some sleep first, of course).

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Holiday Trip North

Hello, John. Do you Lego?

I hope so, because you're going to help Shane. Ryan and Kim got him a Lego truck and Port-A-Potty.

Don't worry, I'll play on my phone and take pictures.

Don't forget to feed him.

If you do, we'll try out those new Warhammer rules later.

Fragiles? For Shane? You shouldn't have! They'll keep him happy when I drop by to visit my old wrestling team! Thank you!

I plan to stop by the Korean bakery after practice. Shane and I will pick up some bread to surprise Carrie.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Richmond Run!

What are holidays without family? Of course, Shane and I made some road trips! We kicked off the last week of break with a trip to Richmond to see Kim and Ryan.

I didn't realize they were prepared.

Normally, I'd edit this down to a highlight for the average internet-addled attention span. That takes time, and I'm already behind.

Shane dressed as a super hero trying to bust Ryan: Action!

Shane brings out Ryan's inner child.

Quote of the night: "Oh no, not the blanket!"

It wasn't Shane who said it.

Monday, December 28, 2015

More Family Visits!

I don't remember exactly when these visits happened over break, but I have video!

Katlheen, Stu and crew drove through on their way north. They came in very late (1 AM?) and spent the night. Shane and Cole were pleasantly surprised to see each other come morning! They got to play in the morning before the crew continued north to Maryland.

Good-byes are tough.

We saw them again on their way down (but just for a little).

After Christmas, Patrick dropped by with his girlfriend, Shelby.

Sometimes, I end up regretting what Shane learns from my 'coaching.' Today was not that day. It made for a funny video.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Playing With Our New Toys

Shane got not one, but two sets of Lincoln Logs. One from each set of grandparents. 

He likes to build.

So does Carrie.

Not many of their creations survive long.

Nana also got him a used set of mega blocks. Shane really wanted me to put them together.

And then he really wanted to help.

Not all of his help was helpful, but he had fun!

At a certain point, I ran out of blocks. I improvised and declared it finito. Shane was skeptical. He double-checked the instructions.

There were lots of other new projects to distract him with. Maybe we'll even finish some of them one day!

There were new toys for the adults, as well.

Carrie and I lost the first couple of games to get the hang of it, but we've saved the world since!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Discovery Museum Again

The more trips, the more the membership is worth. This time, Shane discovered air can make funny pictures.

Then there were the usual shenanigans.

It's good to get out of the house at least once a day.

Unless our house had an elevator. We'd never need to leave then.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

Carrie did this:

So Shane and I did this.

I have a student who works at a store we hoped to run into. Instead, we played lots and lots of Foosball. I have no intention of buying that table (ever).

When went by the international food market on the way home.

Me: "Shane, want to touch the sharp fruit?"

Shane: "What's it called?"

Me; "Durian."

Shane: "What's it taste like?"

Me: "Poop."

We didn't buy any.

Carrie was awake by the time we got home. Shane is dying to open his presents. He doesn't have to wait too much longer!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Pee Wee Wrestling

Shane went to his first wrestling practice.

I met the coaches at my first middle school wrestling tournament. They said "Bring him! You don't have to sign up!"

So I did.

The head coach decided it would be a good day to have some fun. Fun as in a take-down tournament.

Shane's first practice, he knows nothing, and he got his first match right of the bat.

There are some stout 5 year olds out there!

The next matches were similar.

And quick.

It's to be expected. Shane wasn't very happy. "I want to go home!" I made him tough it out. 

He loved when they played duck duck goose at the end.

"No one's picking me!"

"It's your first day, Shane. Sometimes it takes time to meet people."

Thankfully, he got picked soon after. Changed his whole tune. Shane said he wanted to go back again!

When we left, I told Shane wrestling was a tough sport. Everyone loses at first. The wrestlers who get good are the ones who learn each time and stay tough. He hasn't done anything this competitive before, but it seems as good a place as any to start.

I hope he sticks it out.

Monday, December 21, 2015

My Wrestling Homework

Winter break is no reason to stop wrestling! I decided to run my practices early in the day to avoid conflict with the local youth wrestling program. Four of my six kids are from it.

And since it was break, I decided to visit. 

It was a healthy looking program. They get to use UVA's wrestling room (which is beautiful). There were lots of kids laughing, running, and playing dodgeball before practice. The instruction was technical and supportive when they started. The coaches showed a v-block setup to a double and then a throw-by after a sprawl. I took notes on my phone.

I was impressed with what I saw. If Shane sticks with wrestling (and I hope does), I'd love for him to join up.

In the meantime, our goals align: To improve the quality of wrestling around Charlottesville. The best way for kids to get better is to wrestle against better people (in practice and in matches). I'd love to echo some of their ideas to make sure my kids hear the same message multiple times in multiple places. It could help things to stick!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Wrestling Thoughts

Wrestling around here is very different than up north. I was originally worried about my 'pedigree' when I contacted Coach Wood. Now, I feel like I'm hardcore compared to the local skill level (and I am not hard core).  

Then practices are shorter. Fewer of the kids have transportation, so it has to end before the late bus runs. Fewer of the kids have or can afford shoes, too. Coach pays out of his pocket for uniforms, shoes, you name it. Then the kids are pulled in more directions, as well. There are mandatory rehearsals, nationwide tests, tutors, and jobs. It's after-school activity ADD. A couple kids are even participating in multiple sports in the same season. That's unheard of in my last county. 

And the practices are less intense. We had a kid quit because he thought his partner was trying too hard (they both looked lazy to me). Wrestling is not a sport people can enter and expect instant success. There aren't enough wrestlers for a full roster or wrestle-offs, so even a scrub who quits leaves a gap.

At least the kids we have are a good bunch. I trust them all. Many of them are already athletes which helps them to do better than their experience would normally allow. Which is actually another problem: One of our best kids transferred to a private school for baseball, and I heard another is being recruited by a different private school for football and now wrestling. Coach Wood said that's not uncommon. 

My middle school team faces some of the same challenges. I only have six kids. On average, I have 2 to 4 show up. Some days, it's been me and a single kid. They have after-school activity ADD just like the high-schoolers. I had to cancel the first meet, because of mandatory concert rehearsals. I wouldn't have had wrestlers. We need more kids. I don't know where we'll find them, though. I'm never at the middle school, so I can't recruit. I hope if I keep the program up, it will gain recognition. If I build a nucleus of kids with some experience it will help the high school down the line.

Of course, this is Coach Wood's last year. He's going through chemo. He hides it well, but I know it drains him. Coach Wood has coached for three decades, and coached the parents of many of the kids who do show up. There are kids who showed up because Coach called their parents. Whoever replaces him will have big shoes to fill. He's worried it wont' be anyone. Wrestling doesn't have the same footprint as the other sports. Coach Wood's hinted to me that I should apply. I'm not ready for that level of involvement, though. I wouldn't be able to run both programs simultaneously and take care of my family.

Lots to think about.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Two Long Months

November and December were a comedy of maladies.

Carrie fell of the horse. Shane got sick. I got sick. Then Carrie got sick. Shane got sick again and then Carrie and I were re-infected. The CVS people know the security code on my credit card better than I do!

Of course, it was the height of busy season for me at work. I started coaching wrestling, completed eligibility reports, and kicked my class into high gear to finish before break.

Something had to give and it was the blog. Plus, Carrie was falling asleep in all sorts of unpredictable places at unpredictable times. All my routines were busted and blog posts went unwritten and teeth went unbrushed (I'll probably have a cavity later for that).

However, the holidays arrived! Thank you, God, for seeing us through.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Night Fright

"Daddy, I don't want to go to sleep. I'll have a bad dream." Shane's eyes teared up. His little face turned red.

I heard him around 11:00 PM two nights ago. He woke and hyperventilated. I stared at the monitor, prayed, and listened. He never called out.

The next night, he woke around 10:30 PM. He attempted to cough and hyperventilate simultaneously. This time, he cried out. Between coughs, shakes and tears, Carrie and I were there in a flash. Shane either couldn't or didn't want to say what was wrong.

Carrie and I resettled him, but he coughed, gagged, and threw up less than half an hour later.

Shane told me more about his nightmare in the morning. There was a hurricane and two tornadoes. He was in tornado alley and it was scary.

Shane went all day before he mentioned it again. This time around 7:00 PM. "I don't want to have bedtime. I don't want to have a bad dream," Shane said.

Poor kid. I still remember my own nightmares. It wasn't fun.

I'm torn when I hear Shane have one. On one hand, I want to rush in and be there if he needs me. On the other, I don't want to prevent him from learning how to handle them on his own.

Either way, I end up on full alert and stare at the monitor. Sometimes Shane goes right back to sleep. Sometimes he calls for help. So far, he's been good about resettling and turning back in for the night. It feels like he has one nightmare and then he's okay the rest of the night.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Carrie re-organized Shane's room! She wanted to pull his bed away from the window. This is not a final picture.

This picture has nothing to do with Shane's room. It's plain cute.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Reading and Writing, Boy

Shane read 26 "-at" words with me the other day. There are some fun sentences in there ("Drat! That fat cat pat bat scat.") 

I stopped before "shat." The goal was to read and rhyme, not acquire vocabulary.

It took less than 10 minutes. I would have let Shane stop whenever. He wanted to continue. He liked it when I highlighted each word he read. 

I don't consider myself a Type A-Tiger-Push-My-Kid-to-Exhaustion parent. I do consider reading to be an important life skill. It's powerful and fun.

Eventually, school will push decoding, so I try to focus on the joy. We go to the library, doodle on pages, and read whatever Shane picks out. I point at words as I read and let Shane guess at the simple ones. It's nothing fancy. We don't read every day and rarely for more than 15 minutes at a time. I'd love to read a lot more than we do. I suggest it often! ("That book looks awesome!" or "Which book is your favorite?"). Shane prefers TV. 

Nothing we do is revolutionary, but Shane's growth astounds me. He wants to learn and he has!

And it's not just his reading.

I draw with Shane fairly often. He likes to doodle tornadoes, garbage trucks, and Jupiter. I add details and label things for him. Sometimes, I work on my own pictures. That lasts until he gets interested and takes over. I taught him how to draw a flower on Frosty's hat yesterday ("Draw a circle for the middle of the flower and then draw circles all around it for the petals").

It helps our house is littered with composition notebooks. I make lists all the time.

I was reading something on the computer when Shane slipped me this note.

How could I not? I was blown away! It would have been a bad example not to get excited! Shane cackled.

He went for an encore performance, too!

I had no idea Shane could craft sentences on his own. I was half-annoyed when Carrie corrected "Git" before she charged me.

It became a game.

It was a fantastic teachable moment. I wish I could recreate that energy in my classroom on cue. Shane's like a sponge. He wants to learn. He thinks it's fun!

Monday, December 14, 2015


Carrie introduced Shane to Portal today. She couldn't resist a play-through to test the new hard drive's performance.

Hello Again!

It feels like a week since I last posted. It has been a week since I last posted!

Hello, again.

Life's been busy with work, wrestling, Shane, Carrie, sickness, and a dead laptop. Sleep, cough drops, and writing were casualties.

Time to start filling in the backlog, I suppose.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Thursday, 8:00 PM: The laptop decided it could boot no longer.

The hard drive was not listed as a boot-able object in setup. The warranty expired months and months ago, so Carrie and I opened the laptop up for a looksy.

I used to open up and build desktops. Times have changed. Everything is a third of the size, four times the power, and there's no need to reach through a mess of IDE and power cords going to all the peripherals.

Symptoms pointed to a hard drive issue.

I texted John some pictures to reminisce. He suggested I should move the HD to a new SATA port to make sure it wasn't a port/connection error.

The HD didn't work on the new port either. Carrie started to research replacement prices online. We ordered a smaller replacement HD off Amazon for $80. It didn't have the gigs of pictures and videos the old HD had, but it was much cheaper than buying a new computer.

A couple of days later, Carrie got the bright idea to cannibalize our other really old laptop for it's hard drive.

And it worked! How else would I post this?

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Shane's Birthday - The Real Party!

We didn't get to have a real birthday party for Shane last weekend. This time, Nana, Pop, and Patrick all came by! Nana and Pop picked up Shane from day-care (Surprise!).

 Raheem kept Patrick entertained when he arrived a few minutes early (Another surprise!).

We got tacos for dinner.

Everyone loves tacos.

Nana brought plenty of thrifty gifts to keep Shane entertained.

The next day, Nana and Pop took Shane for an adventure. The timing was perfect. I had to go to the high school at 6:30 AM to help set up for a wrestling tournament and coach. Carrie had to prepare for an interview for a Search Engine Optimization position that opened up at her job.

I met up with Nana, Pop, and Shane again at Jump! (a trampoline park).

It was an awesome looking place. We didn't notice there was an obstacle course until our time was up. The employees let Shane try it anyway. I lost my videos when my hard drive crashed, but Nana had some pics on Facebook.

Nana made sure to tell a manager we really appreciated how nice the employees were. We all went home to recuperate afterwards.

Shane cried when it was time to say good-bye. He's ready for it to be his birthday again already.