Sunday, December 27, 2015

Playing With Our New Toys

Shane got not one, but two sets of Lincoln Logs. One from each set of grandparents. 

He likes to build.

So does Carrie.

Not many of their creations survive long.

Nana also got him a used set of mega blocks. Shane really wanted me to put them together.

And then he really wanted to help.

Not all of his help was helpful, but he had fun!

At a certain point, I ran out of blocks. I improvised and declared it finito. Shane was skeptical. He double-checked the instructions.

There were lots of other new projects to distract him with. Maybe we'll even finish some of them one day!

There were new toys for the adults, as well.

Carrie and I lost the first couple of games to get the hang of it, but we've saved the world since!

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