Saturday, December 12, 2015

Shane's Birthday - The Real Party!

We didn't get to have a real birthday party for Shane last weekend. This time, Nana, Pop, and Patrick all came by! Nana and Pop picked up Shane from day-care (Surprise!).

 Raheem kept Patrick entertained when he arrived a few minutes early (Another surprise!).

We got tacos for dinner.

Everyone loves tacos.

Nana brought plenty of thrifty gifts to keep Shane entertained.

The next day, Nana and Pop took Shane for an adventure. The timing was perfect. I had to go to the high school at 6:30 AM to help set up for a wrestling tournament and coach. Carrie had to prepare for an interview for a Search Engine Optimization position that opened up at her job.

I met up with Nana, Pop, and Shane again at Jump! (a trampoline park).

It was an awesome looking place. We didn't notice there was an obstacle course until our time was up. The employees let Shane try it anyway. I lost my videos when my hard drive crashed, but Nana had some pics on Facebook.

Nana made sure to tell a manager we really appreciated how nice the employees were. We all went home to recuperate afterwards.

Shane cried when it was time to say good-bye. He's ready for it to be his birthday again already.

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