Monday, December 31, 2018

Goals Draft

I started this as a shorthand draft and decided to keep it that way (with some editing for complete sentences, etc).

In general - This was a year of "Keep up the good work." We did the same thing we've done in previous years to good effect. I'm halfway through my 4th year at a job that matters even if I'm burned out. We know more people, Shane's made memories, and we've been living life.

1. Job - renewed the license. Stayed in my current positions another year despite burnout. Never looked into PhD more or PVCC.

2. Community - Did trivia nights, online gurps, joined a small group, shane is still in sports which I helped coach, coaching keeps connections, etc.

3. Did not do summer camp....but we are doing one this year! Build that independence!

4. Nibs is stabilized...for now. Horse health has been all over. Carrie made the difficult decision to move on from Armour, but it was necessary.

5. Bible and Spanish - I'm reading my verses. Shane knows some proverbs, but I have not been nearly as structured as I intended with Shane and this goal. We didn't do anything with Spanish, either. We need a Spanish speaking friend. I tried a little bit to nurture one connection, but it never materialized.

6. Wrestling - Middle school program has plateaued. I have more recognition from the school admin, but the numbers are lower. The kids who stick with me look good, though! They enjoy it and I enjoy coaching them. Elementary school is a bust. I tried it a second year and it fell apart. I was promised buses and they never showed up (which is a common problem for the schools this year - They just emailed out they're changing bus routes due to a shortage of drivers). I don't think I'll run the ES program again. The HS team is doing better. The roster is fuller and we can actually win against average teams. A couple kids look to be shaping up into future captains and real competitors.

7. Travel - We got around! We've done a lot of things.

New goals
In general - We've somehow maintained an average of moving every three to four years. This time, we hope it's the final move for a long time. Carrie's getting her dream barn and she's getting it close enough to civilization I'm not worried about it. However, that means there's moving on the horizon. That's a lot of work. The first 9 months of this year will involve fixing up our house, moving our stuff, building a house, moving in, and adjusting to a new area and a new school for Shane. We closed on the land on the 28th. I'm still thinking of changing jobs, but now I'm wondering if I should hold off. There's going to be a lot of change already and depending on where I go, I might have to give up my current coaching gig. It's only $500 a year to coach, but it's meaningful beyond the money.

1. Prepare and Sell House - 'Nuff said.

2. Build, Move, and Adjust - Currently, Carrie's doing most of the work, but my role will grow.

3. CARRIE: Companion horse, moves horses, start riding, and find some boarders. I'm not really involved in this other than in a support role! I'll be forced to learn more barn chores after we set  up our barn, though. During my fun road trip, Carrie had some horse drama where she moved Nibs to Sonya's barn. Nibs is loving life down there and Carrie enjoys visiting her.

4. Figure out Job! - This seems to happen frequently. Do I shift to the County to be on the same schedule about Shane? But what about wrestling? Do I try to teach Elementary School even though the thought scares me? I'd like to get out of Special Ed. I'll have done 13 years as a SPED teacher and would love to say goodbye to all the paperwork.

5. Community - I want to keep building community wherever we go. A new area means we'll need new connections. Should we try the Scottsville UMC? Maybe try a Scottsville small group through the Point? And we can't forget old friends!

6. Career - PhD? Admin? Apply to PVCC as an adjunct? I keep bringing this up. I don't think it's a bad idea to keep trying to grow, but I haven't jumped on anything yet. When sliding down the banister of life, don't get a splinter in your career. -Hank the cowdog.

7. Have Fun! - Life is about more than work and goals. Fun helps counter burnout, too! I've enjoyed trivia night and I'd like to get GURPs or another game group going. There is a brewery in Scottsville near our home site that has trivia and game nights every so often. Being a regular somewhere at something is a great way to make connections.

Shane goals - To be more aware, emphatic and a listener? He loves to talk, but he's not the best at listening. It bothers me when he tries to spin stories like he knows things when it's clear he's talking out of his butt ("Oh really? So, who sat you down and told you about how raids work in World of Warcraft in your 2nd grade class that you want to explain it all to your mother?") Questions and curiosity are welcome. I'd like him to read more independently and enjoy it, as well (When reading today, had to read aloud to people and suddenly he enjoyed it. Sat on the arm of my chair and if I tried to write he moved his butt onto my pen hand)

Spiritual - More organized prayer life

Roots - Started, still somewhat attached, image of stretching them so plan is out of ground and then stretching plant to south and replanting with roots running up to Cville

Self Improvement - Judo? Exercise? Take up riding again? I'll probably need to be more familiar with horses working on a farm...

Carrie and Shane - Horseback riding lessons? Something they can share memories about besides being on the couch and TV

All a bunch of random thoughts. I'm falling behind on my blog posting again, so I'm rushing to get some stuff written down. I took a long break from coffee, but started up again for Christmas. You'd think that would help, but I've also started playing video games again and that counters being more awake in the morning and then some!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Bonus Day Up North

I felt a little guilty. Shane and I had a phenomenal day yesterday while Carrie's horse fun was rained out. Carrie decided to relocate Nibs and spend Sunday at Sonya's, so Shane and I found ourselves at Jama's another night.

Our sleep was interrupted when Jama came in at 3 AM. Ed had fallen in the bathroom and she was going with him to the hospital to make sure he was alright. Jama said they didn't get back until 6:30 AM, but she still called us at 8 AM to make sure we were coming up for breakfast!

Shane and I went to our old church in Chantilly and then had Subway for lunch (Shane picked). 

We were killing time until we could meet up with John!

I hooked Shane up on Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (A very fun little game I once wrote off and then discovered years later to my delight). He mostly entertained himself, but called me over to help and witness what was going on intermittently.

John and I set out to learn and play a game of Blood Bowl.

We nerded out for the next three hours or so. John's orcs (who don't pass) ground their way to a score in the first half (with a pass they don't do). I learned that I could throw to empty space instead of players and manage to throw a long bomb to nowhere in the second half. I picked the ball up for a touchdown to tie the game before we called it. John won the moral victory when we figured out we'd been not giving him the strength advantage when defending blocks and one of my players was down and out for good.

Jama couldn't believe that we found the game and all it's rules fun.

Our final stop on the way out was Travis'. I'd left my phone charger there day 1. John had been at work and unable to see Travis Friday, so he joined us.

Travis hooked Shane up on an emulator, so that we could talk.

And so we could game! I brought out 5-Minute Marvel. I got so excited about playing with old friends that I started to rush through the rules. I realized I was fast-talking even as I did it (I'm clearly where Shane gets the excitability issues from even though I mostly control it nowadays).

Shane and I didn't get home until 9:40 PM (we stopped for gas and a burger). Thankfully, Carrie didn't get home until 9:30 PM, so there was no issue!

I've needed this break from work. It's been great seeing everybody.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Cousin and Twin-Friend Reunion Day

Shane and I woke up at the usual time: Excitement O'Clock. That's when Shane wakes up excited about being awake and can't wait to wake someone else up to share the excitement with.

That someone is usually me.

Shane had fun building a machine out of a coaster and random materials from Jama's apartment to amuse himself.

The eternal struggle in Jama's apartment is not to make noises that upset the woman underneath (She's super sensitive).

As long as there were no large "thuds," Shane's game could evolve however he wanted.

Jama cooked us breakfast and then we drove her over to Megan's house. It was a twin-friend and family reunion day! Lolita and her family were the first twin-friend of the morning.

Mary and Jenn were supposed to arrive.....Sunday. Now they were supposed to arrive around 11:30 AM! Surprise!

It was a good thing Big B was out of town visiting his brother. Megan's house turned into a veritable party zone.

The three boys......were three boys.

Three, hyper, happy, and loud boys.

For the most part, they get along famously.

Shane and B are huge extroverts.

Cole's a little more reserved, but he loves being in the mix with his cousins.

The girls still stick near Ka and Stu.

They don't cry anymore when I try to speak to them, at least.

Stu, the brave man, tried to interrupt free play time with some structure. He wanted to teach the boys Uno.

I salute your courage, Stu.

It mostly went well. Someone played some sort of attack card on Cole and that caused him to rage-quit.

All the commotion wore Jama out. She started her nap early despite the noise!

When it was nap time for the youngest kids, the electronic stimuli came out.

Tenley, Sammy, and Jama all laid down to rest.

B was the only kid who started off entertaining himself without electronics.

But even he succumbed to their siren call in time.

Everyone got a good nap in. I really enjoyed the ability to hang out and talk with the adults (who were awake).

There weren't enough tablets for everyone, but the kids shared well enough.

Mary was the next twin-friend to arrive after lunch. She's a professional violinist. I found out I'm only a few degrees from Dave Matthew through her.

Shane really enjoyed my relaxed electronic standards. I wanted to spend time with everyone which left him to his own devices (pun intended).

Nap time ended eventually and I tucked the tablets away after a few pictures.

I love how everyone is so close and it's a kid friendly group. People would wander off and however was in the neighborhood would watch whatever kids were there. I played with Mary's baby some and Sammy changed hands whenever he wore out whoever was trying to hold him!

I left with Jama to take her home and left Shane playing. When I arrived back at Megan's, Jenn was there! It was a little after 11:30 AM (by nearly 5 hours!), but that just meant the party and excitement of new arrivals got to be stretched out all day.

It was a non-stop, Lake Braddock reunion day!

Speaking of Lake Braddock alumni, I wanted to say hi to John as he got off work. Shane found a Pokemon game the moment I pulled him to go (and he wasn't happy about letting it go!). I figured the cousins might need a break from each other, but in retrospect they probably didn't.

Shane managed to find other ways to entertain himself. He got to fall out of a tree from a minor height in the library parking lot and learn more about gravity. Those little bumps and bruises when it's from a safe height remind you to be careful and keep the thrill in climbing!

John, Shane, and I went to Whole Foods for John's dinner and hung out. I got to see part of the Clemson game in the NCAA playoffs and texted Silas after one amazing catch (because you know every Clemson fan was watching).

We got back in time for a lightsaber fight...

...and to see June! I told June that Jama was upset she didn't get to see her. June amazes Jama.....and Jama called as I was greeting June, so I passed the phone over.

Somehow, friends always became family growing up. I've always considered my sisters' friends to be my friends.

I really want that for Shane. Getting together with his extended family is part of that plan.....not to mention I relish that sense of connection myself. My family has always meant a lot to me.

It was eventually time to call it a night. We spent ALL DAY at Megan's.

Shane was still high on excitement when we got back to Jama's. I let him stay up late, but do you think he was worn out or about to let me sleep in?

That's okay, though. It was a fantastic day.

Friday, December 28, 2018

The Friend Trail

Friday, Shane and I hit the friend trail again. Our first stop was Genevieve and Chris'. We texted Carrie a picture to let them know their package had arrived (not everyone is on break!).

Our second stop was at Travis'. His boys were also on break!

Shane wanted to play Minecraft with them, but they had to settle on making a real fort instead.

The poor babies. Super Mario Maker came out just as it was time to leave and that was so unfair.

Stop Three: The Jeffers. Bill, Jill, and Benjamin were in town!

Bill and I actually got to play a few rounds of Magic to reminisce about our middle school days. Bill is the one who first got cards from his friend Glen.

Shane got to play with the VR headset again (Side note: Moss had to have been inspired by Redwall).

Shane was having a hard time containing himself at the end, but Benjamin appreciated the dancing and tomfoolery! I warned Bill that he'd have to master the chicken dance now that Shane set the precedent.

Our dinner stop for the night was to meet John at our normal Chic Fil A.

Shane played for hours with a boy named Robert. They were equally desperate for each other's attention. Robert made his mom get my phone number before he left! He didn't care that it would be months before we were in the area again!

I have to admit: I miss the days when things were more relaxed and I could spend longer with each friend, but I felt pretty spiffy that we managed to coordinate and make so many meaningful pit stops with friends.

We headed over to Jama's to meet with her and Ed afterward. On the phone, Jama was very excited about the Lorena Bobbit movie that was supposed to premier. She reported Ed was sitting cross-legged and a little anxious.

Thankfully, it turned out the movie wasn't supposed to be on until next week. Shane and I were able to show up and not risk crossed-leg inducing nightmares.