Friday, December 28, 2018

The Friend Trail

Friday, Shane and I hit the friend trail again. Our first stop was Genevieve and Chris'. We texted Carrie a picture to let them know their package had arrived (not everyone is on break!).

Our second stop was at Travis'. His boys were also on break!

Shane wanted to play Minecraft with them, but they had to settle on making a real fort instead.

The poor babies. Super Mario Maker came out just as it was time to leave and that was so unfair.

Stop Three: The Jeffers. Bill, Jill, and Benjamin were in town!

Bill and I actually got to play a few rounds of Magic to reminisce about our middle school days. Bill is the one who first got cards from his friend Glen.

Shane got to play with the VR headset again (Side note: Moss had to have been inspired by Redwall).

Shane was having a hard time containing himself at the end, but Benjamin appreciated the dancing and tomfoolery! I warned Bill that he'd have to master the chicken dance now that Shane set the precedent.

Our dinner stop for the night was to meet John at our normal Chic Fil A.

Shane played for hours with a boy named Robert. They were equally desperate for each other's attention. Robert made his mom get my phone number before he left! He didn't care that it would be months before we were in the area again!

I have to admit: I miss the days when things were more relaxed and I could spend longer with each friend, but I felt pretty spiffy that we managed to coordinate and make so many meaningful pit stops with friends.

We headed over to Jama's to meet with her and Ed afterward. On the phone, Jama was very excited about the Lorena Bobbit movie that was supposed to premier. She reported Ed was sitting cross-legged and a little anxious.

Thankfully, it turned out the movie wasn't supposed to be on until next week. Shane and I were able to show up and not risk crossed-leg inducing nightmares.

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