Monday, December 31, 2018

Goals Draft

I started this as a shorthand draft and decided to keep it that way (with some editing for complete sentences, etc).

In general - This was a year of "Keep up the good work." We did the same thing we've done in previous years to good effect. I'm halfway through my 4th year at a job that matters even if I'm burned out. We know more people, Shane's made memories, and we've been living life.

1. Job - renewed the license. Stayed in my current positions another year despite burnout. Never looked into PhD more or PVCC.

2. Community - Did trivia nights, online gurps, joined a small group, shane is still in sports which I helped coach, coaching keeps connections, etc.

3. Did not do summer camp....but we are doing one this year! Build that independence!

4. Nibs is stabilized...for now. Horse health has been all over. Carrie made the difficult decision to move on from Armour, but it was necessary.

5. Bible and Spanish - I'm reading my verses. Shane knows some proverbs, but I have not been nearly as structured as I intended with Shane and this goal. We didn't do anything with Spanish, either. We need a Spanish speaking friend. I tried a little bit to nurture one connection, but it never materialized.

6. Wrestling - Middle school program has plateaued. I have more recognition from the school admin, but the numbers are lower. The kids who stick with me look good, though! They enjoy it and I enjoy coaching them. Elementary school is a bust. I tried it a second year and it fell apart. I was promised buses and they never showed up (which is a common problem for the schools this year - They just emailed out they're changing bus routes due to a shortage of drivers). I don't think I'll run the ES program again. The HS team is doing better. The roster is fuller and we can actually win against average teams. A couple kids look to be shaping up into future captains and real competitors.

7. Travel - We got around! We've done a lot of things.

New goals
In general - We've somehow maintained an average of moving every three to four years. This time, we hope it's the final move for a long time. Carrie's getting her dream barn and she's getting it close enough to civilization I'm not worried about it. However, that means there's moving on the horizon. That's a lot of work. The first 9 months of this year will involve fixing up our house, moving our stuff, building a house, moving in, and adjusting to a new area and a new school for Shane. We closed on the land on the 28th. I'm still thinking of changing jobs, but now I'm wondering if I should hold off. There's going to be a lot of change already and depending on where I go, I might have to give up my current coaching gig. It's only $500 a year to coach, but it's meaningful beyond the money.

1. Prepare and Sell House - 'Nuff said.

2. Build, Move, and Adjust - Currently, Carrie's doing most of the work, but my role will grow.

3. CARRIE: Companion horse, moves horses, start riding, and find some boarders. I'm not really involved in this other than in a support role! I'll be forced to learn more barn chores after we set  up our barn, though. During my fun road trip, Carrie had some horse drama where she moved Nibs to Sonya's barn. Nibs is loving life down there and Carrie enjoys visiting her.

4. Figure out Job! - This seems to happen frequently. Do I shift to the County to be on the same schedule about Shane? But what about wrestling? Do I try to teach Elementary School even though the thought scares me? I'd like to get out of Special Ed. I'll have done 13 years as a SPED teacher and would love to say goodbye to all the paperwork.

5. Community - I want to keep building community wherever we go. A new area means we'll need new connections. Should we try the Scottsville UMC? Maybe try a Scottsville small group through the Point? And we can't forget old friends!

6. Career - PhD? Admin? Apply to PVCC as an adjunct? I keep bringing this up. I don't think it's a bad idea to keep trying to grow, but I haven't jumped on anything yet. When sliding down the banister of life, don't get a splinter in your career. -Hank the cowdog.

7. Have Fun! - Life is about more than work and goals. Fun helps counter burnout, too! I've enjoyed trivia night and I'd like to get GURPs or another game group going. There is a brewery in Scottsville near our home site that has trivia and game nights every so often. Being a regular somewhere at something is a great way to make connections.

Shane goals - To be more aware, emphatic and a listener? He loves to talk, but he's not the best at listening. It bothers me when he tries to spin stories like he knows things when it's clear he's talking out of his butt ("Oh really? So, who sat you down and told you about how raids work in World of Warcraft in your 2nd grade class that you want to explain it all to your mother?") Questions and curiosity are welcome. I'd like him to read more independently and enjoy it, as well (When reading today, had to read aloud to people and suddenly he enjoyed it. Sat on the arm of my chair and if I tried to write he moved his butt onto my pen hand)

Spiritual - More organized prayer life

Roots - Started, still somewhat attached, image of stretching them so plan is out of ground and then stretching plant to south and replanting with roots running up to Cville

Self Improvement - Judo? Exercise? Take up riding again? I'll probably need to be more familiar with horses working on a farm...

Carrie and Shane - Horseback riding lessons? Something they can share memories about besides being on the couch and TV

All a bunch of random thoughts. I'm falling behind on my blog posting again, so I'm rushing to get some stuff written down. I took a long break from coffee, but started up again for Christmas. You'd think that would help, but I've also started playing video games again and that counters being more awake in the morning and then some!

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