Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Snow Day #2

The roads were much clearer this morning. Cars that weren't cleared of snow still had inches on top, so I felt good about yesterday's shoveling effort. 

Shane wanted to try and make a giant snowman again today. The melting snow made it the perfect consistency for packing. Shane started rolling up the base on his own.

I took over and then Silas and Raheem showed up to help.

We didn't stay at it long enough to finish the base, though.

We took our engineering skills and made a ramp on the hill instead.

Then, we hit the jumps! First, Rah...

Then, Shane...

Then, Silas and I. Silas tried to land on his feet. 

There's no video of me, but I mainly tried not to bruise my butt on the landing.

I would have loved to have keep going bigger and better! We joked about building ramps, half-pikes....

The only other feat of engineering I did was to use some snow to keep the sled in place so I could run and jump onto it. Shame filmed that one.

Boy, he loves the sound of his voice! Rah tried it at the very end of the video with rougher results (if you watched that far).

It was slick out!

Rah had a funny moment where he chose to slide down on his back right past me. I only got the camera out in time for a still shot.

There were still some shaded spots with snow and street parking looked difficult, but the roads were basically back to normal. Wrestling was cancelled yesterday and basketball closed with the schools, so I took Shane to TKD to get back into the routine there.

We missed for a couple of weeks, so it was good to get back in the swing of it.

Right now, they're calling for a two-hour delay for city schools. The county is closed, so *maybe* we'll close, too.....but I wouldn't count on it. The roads were fine and our deputy superintendent seems to feel like more of a man if he makes us go to school while the neighboring counties are closed.

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