Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Getting Back in the Habbit

After school thought process:

"I could work out today, but I'm going to eat these Pop Tarts instead."

Monday, May 30, 2016

Staunton on Monday - Memorial Day

When Patrick texted me, I knew what we were going to do for Memorial Day. Shane and I drove up the mountain to Staunton. We wanted to see his new pad.

Any new place is a source of wonder. The only difference between Shane and I is his be-wonderment lasts longer. He ran up the backstairs, but the fish in the kitchen held his attention much longer than yours truly's.

I talked to Patrick and scoped out the whole place before he found the cat ledge (that the cat refuses to use -- typical cat).

It was a nice pad. I'm biased, because I like that Patrick is a shorter drive away. It'll make visits almost 20 minutes easier. Round trip, the savings double.

Shane would have been happy for Patrick to stream tornado videos all day, but we had other plans.

Shelby and Patrick took us to Gypsy Hill Park. It was a much larger and nicer park than I expected for the city's size.

Random Mike ADHD Moment: Did you notice that Patrick and Shane were in sync?

Shane was mesmerized by the water falls.

There were a couple of times I thought he was going to fall/jump in.

The water was shallow enough it would only have been annoying.

Shane would have been happy to fart around near the waterfalls all day, but there was more to see.

The koi were huge.

The puddles were puddle-y!

And the rock climbing wall was rock climbing-y!

It took effort to herd Shane to the playground. He knew what to do when we got there, of course.

I made sure to steer us away from the puddles on the way back. Shane didn't land in any on the way, but I wouldn't have been surprised if the temptation presented itself again. We played in the park until lunchtime.

Downtown Staunton was empty. I'd like to come back on a day when everything is not closed.

We finished our visit with lunch at Chili's. It wasn't a unique experience, but we all let fat and happy.

The one downside of the trip: Shane didn't nap on the way home. Maybe it was the elevation change. Or maybe it was the shorter trip. That stinker didn't sleep. The trip must have been somewhat restful, because he wasn't cranky come bedtime, though.

Happy Memorial Day one and all.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday Stroll Through Horse Country

Carrie needed to drop off a trailer at Wings of Hope Ranch. Shane and I tagged along.

Wings of Hope is a Christian horse rescue operation Carrie learned about. They, also, provide free lessons for kids.

Shane's interest was less academic. He just likes new places.

Chasing lizards...

...and climbing trees are bonus.

I didn't have time to go over the Cowboy 10 Commandments with him,...

..., but he enjoyed climbing on hay bales (as usual).

Carrie spent the time talking shop. She loves horses.

I love Carrie and Shane. It all works out.

Shane got a big surprise on the way home. Carrie disabled the air bag and shifted his car seat to the truck.

I noticed it years ago, but Carrie wasn't comfortable with it until now. He was stoked.

And the other reason Shane and I tagged along were these folks!

We were only half an hour north of Short Pump, so we met up with Kim and Ryan for lunch. Kim was excited there was a Cheesecake Factory nearby. It started to pour, or we'd have all walked around more. It's almost summer for Ryan and I. Shane and I will have to make a day trip or two.

Four school days left. Fun weekends help, but it's time to be done!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

My Kind of Saturday

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The kind of morning Shane wants to go outside and kill some bamboo.

It sings to my soul.

Just like garage sales sing to Nana's. We did those, too! Carrie bought some pink lemonade from a little girl that was more sugar than liquid.

Thank God, no one's cat was for sale.

We spent the whole morning out. There was a farmer's/business market set up downtown. One stall advertised a roller derby match that evening.

We ate well, and then checked out the renovated Discovery Museum.

Shane approved.

Carrie approved.

I approved.

We used up as much of our free parking time as we could!

Our morning would have been adventure enough. However, Igor posted that he and Casey stumbled across a certain roller derby match! Carrie got on the horn immediately. We'd already eaten, but we arranged to meet up at the walking mall!

We haven't seen Iggs and Case in years. Carrie and I were thrilled. They'd gotten tired of the grind and spontaneously hopped out of NOVA for the long weekend. Charlottesville was a convenient stop after they'd cruised Skyline drive.

Shane took a shine to Igor....and his phone. He wasn't as interested in how I mispronounced "debris" as a teen. Igor was happy to enlighten him on how to play Boom Beach, though.

They started shoulder to shoulder, but it didn't take Shane long to worm his way onto Igor's lap. They talked tornadoes in between levels.

All the while, a busker alternated between banjo, spoons, and a violin. He belted out numerous tunes, but I appreciated the Great Big Sea ones the most. I sent Shane over with a donation. My son dropped it off, trotted back, turned back around and hollared at the top of his lungs "YOU'RE WELCOME FOR THE MONEY!"

Friday, May 27, 2016

Camera Shane

Shane grabbed my phone while I played some basketball with Raheem. 

I'm not used to having any sort of height advantage. It's nice!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Last Swim Lesson (For This Month)

Boy, oh boy. It's days like this it pays to be consistent. There was only one other kid at Shane's swim lesson today. Extra practice time!

Shane's made a lot of progress. He can be full of fear, but I think he trusts his teacher now.

And there are the toys. And the water. Pools are fun.

Social Shane wanted to see what his friend was doing after the lesson, too.

The teacher talked to me a little about summer lessons while Shane mingled. Shane's considered a level 2 (out of 6) in their system. There are camps and lessons going on this summer I plan to sign Shane up for. I'd like to get the same teacher if possible, too (consistency, consistency, consistency!).

I'll research and schedule that out another time. I'm glad Shane's educating, enjoying, and tiring himself.