Sunday, December 18, 2011

Placeholder post

I was just working on my resume a little and browsing the news on CNN and saw a headline stating Kim Jong Ill 2 has passed away. Thank God. The man has helped suppress a whole country and set up a cult of personality worshiping himself. It's a momentous occasion for the Koreas, so I figured I'd post a quick blog entry stating what I was doing when I first heard the news. It's 10:30 at night, I just got done washing baby bottles and picking up, and I was working on updating my resume to try to get into the entry pool for a type of job in the county I may want to try one day. In other words: I'm doing nothing terribly exciting. Oh well! I hope this will usher in a chance for peace and stability in a habitually rocky region. The ego-maniacal loony is dead, long live the next if he's not more trouble than the sire. 

My computer problem has been fixed. No, I didn't fix the old computer. Instead, I've retasked Carrie's laptop into my electronic play-pal. It was just reimaged last weekend when windows had a catastrophic failure, and I've customized it and uninstalled much of the HP freeware that was sucking up processor power.

It's funny, but gaining the laptop shows how far my marriage has come along! In the beginning, Carrie didn't want me messing with her laptop or trying to fix it if broke. I offered to help a few times in the beginning, realized she'd rather do it herself, and then gave a mental shrug and only offered suggestions if she was ever really stuck. My wife never was for long. I chuckled a bit when I pointed this out, and I got my wife to roll her eyes. I'm sure she has plenty of similar stories about my quirks, and we'll leave it at that.

I took video of Shane today tearing around the basement. He got to see Chuck E Cheese's for the first time yesterday and there were some good photos there as well. Over the winter holidays, I WILL upload some of this stuff.

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